Sunday, July 26, 2020

mickey and minnie charmed aroma candles (review + reveal)

It is no secret. I am a Disney fanatic. So many of my happiest memories involve Disney in one way or another. From seeing a movie for the first time when I was a kid (it was The Little Mermaid, for the record) to my Cinderella themed wedding to Disney trips, movie nights, and decades of love, hope, and happiness...Disney is a part of me. Which is why the release of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse candles from Charmed Aroma was so exciting. Lucky for me, my mom is an ever bigger Disney fanatic than I am. She was ready to buy those candles the second they were released! And extra lucky for me, she gifted me a pair of them. Want to find out how the candles look? Smell? What was inside? Here is everything you need to know....

Mickey Mouse Charmed Aroma Jewelry Candle

There is nothing ordinary or bland about the Mickey Mouse Jewelry Candle. One look at the ceramic candle holder will make you smile. The candle itself comes in a rounded container with large Mickey Mouse ears and his classic red pants with the white buttons. Perfect, right? In terms of the packaging and design, this is everything. The concept is so cute. I also really love the fact that there are directions on the side of the box to wash out the inside and reuse the container after your candle has been burned all the way through. Personally, I am planning to use this Mickey Mouse jar as a jewellery holder. It would be nice to keep all of my Disney-themed items in one (super cute) place.

As for the actual scent of the candle? Not a huge fan. It doesn't specifically say what the candle scent is on the box but my husband thought it smelled like green apple. (Which explains why I didn't care for the scent. I am not into apple scented candles.) Like all Charmed Aroma candles, the concept is simple. You burn the candle and eventually, a silver tin foil packet will become visible. You then pull that packet out and ta da. New piece of jewellery. It took a full day of burning the candle to reveal the Mickey Mouse ring....and I do mean a full day. I thought it was never going to appear! Thankfully, it did. There were eight possible designs and quite frankly, all of them were really adorable and well-themed.

Minnie Mouse Charmed Aroma Jewelry Candle

Now for the Minnie Mouse Charmed Aroma candle. Like the Mickey Mouse version, this comes in a beautiful ceramic container. It has those iconic mouse ears with Minnie's signature polka dot bow and a white and red print on the bottom to symbolize her traditional skirt. The design is absolutely adorable and looks great on its own or paired with the Mickey Mouse version. Just like the Mickey candle, this also included instructions to clean out the candle holder and reuse it. It will definitely double as a jewellery holder and decor piece in future.

The good news? This candle scent was far more enjoyable. Again, it didn't say the specific scent anywhere on the packaging (which is a bit odd, come to think of it) but it smelled like a nice warm vanilla. I tend to enjoy warmer candle scents, so this was easily my favourite of the two. This candle didn't take quite as long to reveal the jewellery inside. Though it was still a significant portion of the day. There was one section along the side that wasn't burning....which signified there was something preventing it from doing so. My husband grabbed a pair of tweezers and pulled out the ring and that was that! This candle had eight potential ring designs inside. They all looked really cute so I wasn't nervous about getting something I didn't like. Instead, I was excited to find out what the newest addition to my ring collection would be.

Disney Charmed Aroma Ring Reveals

There they are! The ring on the very top is from the Minnie Mouse candle. It is a gorgeous bow design with small pink jewels scattered throughout. Then the band has lots of jewels on it as well, to create something simple and delicate that is also sparkly and dynamic. Out of all the Minnie Mouse ring options shown on the box, this was one of my higher choices. (Though I confess, I was really intrigued by the design with overlapping bands and bows.) It was definitely really exciting to see that pink sparkly bow ring. Underneath that is the Mickey Mouse ring. It has a sparkly band with two golden Mickey Mouse gloves holding a large white jewel in the centre. Though this wasn't my top choice of the eight possibilities (this was actually the only one without that classic Mickey shape)...looking back, this was the perfect reveal. Why? I have a lot of Mickey themed jewellery in my accessories collection. They are always Mickey shaped. That makes the gloved design a unique and refreshing addition to my current Disney jewellery collection. 

Still searching for more Disney related content? Not to worry. My latest YouTube video is all about Disney jewellery. In fact, it is totally dedicated to my very own Disney jewellery collection. Though I wasn't able to show absolutely everything filling my jewellery cabinet...there is plenty to look at and enjoy.

These Charmed Aroma Disney candles were exciting. Not only were there fabulous Disney inspired rings inside....but the ceramic decor pieces are absolutely incredible. They are the perfect way to add a little Disney flair to my home. All in all, these are downright thrilling. Any Disney fan would be overjoyed to receive one or both of these beautiful and stylish candles.

What do you think of the rings? Are you a fan of Charmed Aroma?


  1. Ohh the design of these candles is so cute! I love Disney too ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. It is! I absolutely love the candle holders. So so cute.

  2. I've seen these kinds of candles with the gift inside but never tried them before - they look so fun! It's a shame you didn't know the scent of the candles but they do look really cute and it's nice you will be able to reuse the adorable containers! :)

    Hope that you had a lovely weekend! :) We had a nice day yesterday at the photo studio picking out some photos after our family photo shoot last week!

    Away From Blue

    1. Yes! I love the fact that the containers are reusable. I'm not totally sure what I'll store inside there yet but I am sure I'll find a good use for them! Oh, that sounds like a nice way to spend the weekend.

  3. nice micky and mini .... i like it

  4. Oh my as a Disney fan too, those look cute and pretty! And the rings are perfect!


  5. Oh my, as a Disney fan too, the candles are cute and pretty! The rings are nice too!


  6. Never Heard of them, but they look super cute! Thanks for sharing, the rings are stunning


  7. Oh my gosh! Those rings are super cute! And totally love green apple scent so that candle is right up my alley:D I think it's so adorable how you and your mom are Disney fanatics. Honestly, I've always loved Disney movies but it wasn't until we went to Disneyworld in Florida that I became a fanatic. I've been to Disneyland in LA a looooong time ago before I had kids and for some reason, I wasn't as enamoured by it as much as Disneyworld. Perhaps, going with the kids made it more meaningful:)

    1. I've been to Disneyland a few times as well. It's really fun and I love it there...but Disney World just has this magical feeling to it. It's indescribable! So you aren't alone in that feeling. I definitely relate!

  8. Oh goddness, Disney! ♥ They are so adorable and lovely!! >-< I want them too ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

  9. How cute are these candles? What a lovely idea for Disney fans, and the jars they come in are lovely too so it's like three gifts in one - the candle, the jewellery and then the jar for use afterwards too xo

    Makeup Muddle

  10. Thanks a lot =) Oh yes this was so delicious, not everything is healthy but you only live once :D

    Oh this is so cute <3 I love Disney, Mickey & Minnie are the perfect couple ^^ This candles with jewelery are perfect for birthdays =)

    1. Ha, I agree! It would definitely make for a good gift.

  11. I want it!

    so cute!

  12. What a cute collection, I love this so much!


    1. It is definitely super cute! Thank you for your comment :)


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