Friday, July 10, 2020

nine years of Mansa Fashion.

You know what they say: time flies when you're having fun. It's hard to believe that I am already writing another blog anniversary post. It seems like only yesterday, I was celebrating that eight year milestone. However, today marks the nine year anniversary of my very first post here on Mansa Fashion. In that time, there have been a whopping 1675 posts related to all of the things that I find beautiful. That includes makeup, fashion, travel, fitness, photography, writing, and a number of other inspiring topics. This beauty blog has been my safe space and passion project for almost a decade....and I am so proud of everything it represents in my life.

Over the past year, I have been trying to improve my little piece of the internet, bit by bit. From photo quality to more in-depth reviews and informative goal is always to improve. There are several goals I have for the future or this space, but for now, I am taking a moment to be happy with what is. It is always nice to look back and see how much has changed. For me, Mansa Fashion. documents so many personal life changes and achievements. That includes my journey with makeup  and the evolution of my personal style. Not to mention things like getting married, moving out, new friendships, the end of old friendships, writing jobs, travel experiences, and a number of other milestone moments. For all of those big and small moments, this blog has been here. It has been a part of my path and my day-to-day life.

I want to thank each and every one of you for all of your support. Whether you are a new reader or you've been here since the early days...I am so incredibly grateful. It is nice to know that there are people out there actually reading what I write! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Here is to looking back, looking forward, and to another year of Mansa Fashion. 


  1. How did I miss your wedding? :( So double wishes!!
    You have a nice blog and you deserve a lot of success. I honestly do not count how old is my blog but I try in vain to increase the followers by putting more effort. I very often I realize that for those who do not put their faces to keep the privacy, it is not easy! But we can't be forced to put our photo to be successful, don't you think? :)

    1. Well, thank you! I really appreciate that. I don't think your efforts are in vain at all. Your blog is wonderful and I know it brings a lot of joy to people. You certainly don't need to share your photos in order to find success. It's all about having passion and persistence, if you ask me!

  2. Congratulations!
    have a great weekend,

  3. Ohhh congratulations!!!
    And for many more years to come ^^
    kisses :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  4. So many years... congrats, you didi a great job!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

    My Instagram

  5. Happy anniversary, Shannon, and congratulations:) It's been awesome to read your posts, and your positivity is always such a breath of fresh air. You rock! Don't ever change, girl:) XOXO
    Have a great Sunday:)

    1. Thank you so so much. Your comment totally made my day! <3

  6. Time flies too fast! Congratulations! that's a huge number!

  7. Many many Congraturlations and I must say Nice Blog.

  8. Felicidades amiga Shannon, por más años de compartir aquí en el blog :)

    - Helena Primeira
    - Helena Primeira Youtube
    - Primeira Panos

  9. Congratulations 🥂💐. I am since 6 years a blogger and I can say it's not easy to write regularly everytime and to keep your blog actual.

    1. Thank you so much! It isn't easy but it certainly is rewarding. Congratulations to you on six years :)

  10. Congratulation! My blog celebrated 7 years in 2020 ♥ ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It


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