Tuesday, July 28, 2020

paris hilton beauty sponge + holder review (and cleaning + care tips)

Did my collection need another beauty sponge? No. Has that ever stopped me before? Again, no. At the moment, there are beauty sponges of every imaginable size and shape sitting in my beauty room. These tools can make the application of both cream and powder products easier - and give your skin that airbrushed flawless finish. For a long time, I struggled with using beauty sponges. It took a while to get the technique down pat but once I did? It made a huge difference. That being said, a lot of the time, brushes are my go-to. But when I want to spend a little extra time on my makeup? Do everything I can to make sure it looks picture perfect? Those beauty sponges are a real asset. More recently, the Paris Hilton Cosmetics Beauty Sponge & Holder was added to my routine. Despite the many sponges in my collection...I had been without a holder for far too long. Given the affordable price point (and the fact that I continue to be a fan of Paris Hilton) this seemed like the best option. How does it work? And how can you clean and care for your own beauty sponges? Keep reading to find out.

Paris Hilton Cosmetics Beauty Sponge + Holder (Review)

There is a lot to like about this particular beauty sponge. Though I have tried several others in the past (my first was from Real Techniques way back in 2014) not all of them have been overly impressive. Usually this has to do with the size or shape of the sponge. The sponge from Paris Hilton Cosmetics is great because it is just the right size for my foundation and concealer. It has a nice amount of firmness and holds onto water well. Plus, this is black and sparkly. It literally has flecks of gold glitter scattered throughout it. At first, the glitter worried me. I wasn't sure if the glitter would flake off or appear on my skin during use. Thankfully, it stays put and makes the beauty sponge look absolutely gorgeous.

Then there is a glitzy pink and white sponge holder. Having a holder for my beauty sponges has actually been on the to-buy list for quite some time. It just seemed like an easier way to store them. Currently, mine are kept in an old mason jar, which is certainly storage friendly but not as easy to access. Hence the need for a sponge holder. The holder is lovely because it is lightweight, looks pretty, and allows the sponge a place to sit and dry. All in all, this team of products from Paris Hilton Cosmetics has been a welcome addition to my makeup routine.

Beauty Sponge Cleaning + Care Tips

Cleaning makeup brushes? Easy. Cleaning a beauty sponge? Considerably more difficult. Maybe it's because the process itself seems a little more complicated or because cleaning brushes is something I've been doing for such a long time. For whatever reason, the concept of cleaning those cute little sponges can feel laborious. (Here is a basic cleaning video if you are looking for a straightforward way to get them clean!) Want to make it easier? Here are a few tips for cleaning and care.

  • Think about storage. As I mentioned above, a beauty sponge holder had been on my want list for quite some time. Whether a holder similar to the Paris Hilton version is something you need or you have another storage solution in mind...the most important thing is to have a space where your sponges can dry and be accessible to you.
  • Save money on cleanser. There are an awful lot of beauty blender cleansers on the market today. Some can be pretty expensive. (Ranging from $20-40 for a solid cleanser.) An affordable alternative is to use dish detergent instead! This will still get your sponges clean but will really cut back on the overall cost. 
  • Dry your sponge thoroughly. If you want your sponge to continue to work well and to last for as long as possible...make sure you let your sponge dry. Really dry. Don't put it away until the sponge has fully dried. Also, be sure to dry your sponge in an open space. Tossing it in a drawer to dry won't do your beauty sponge any favours. 
  • Know when to replace your sponge. Even though it is tempting to just keep using your sponges indefinitely...sometimes it really is time to move on. It is recommended that sponges be washed regularly and tossed every three months or so. That might sound excessive but this is the easiest way to ensure that the blender is working well and is still safe to use. 

So there you have it! A beauty sponge review from Paris Hilton Cosmetics and some care tips to round it all off. This is one sponge that I will be making good use of for the next few months. Plus, the holder will continue to look fabulous in my makeup room. Thank goodness for that.

Have you tried anything from Paris Hilton Cosmetics? What beauty sponge is your favourite?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. Boa tarde. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho. Acompanho sempre do Brasil.

  2. Replies
    1. It is! I love the design. Thank you for your comment :)

  3. Thanks a lot =) Oh yes it was really needed, Corona makes me crazy and this holiday was pretty perfect <3 Absolutely right, I love travelling <3

    Oh I love Paris Hilton, I had some perfumes from her =) This sponge looks cute.

    1. Oh, I absolutely love her perfumes. They are fabulous!

    2. Absolutely fabulous =)

      This is a really great product =) Oh yes I like Nivea a lot.

  4. Interesting post my dear, thank you for sharing )  

  5. This was interesting to read. Reminded me to clean my beauty sponges hehe, thanks!


    1. Ha, well I'm glad it could be helpful in that way!

  6. I remember testing my first sponge. Before, I thought that I didn't need such a gadget in my make-up bag at all. Later, I fell in love with her and knew that I would always use a sponge. My first was a "tear", now I have a "heart" :) greetings from Poland!

    1. That definitely makes sense! I'm glad you've found ones that work for you...and in such cute shapes!

  7. Wow haven't seen these yet, the holder is so gorgeous!

  8. I used to use sponges but I find brushes a bit easier as I don't have to keep replacing them. The holder with this is so cute, what a fun idea! :)

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

    1. That definitely makes sense! I use brushes on some days and sponges on others. It really depends on my mood and how long I have to get ready. My week is going well so far. I hope that yours is also!

  9. You have shared so many amazing tips here! Thanks so much!
    Wonderful Post!

  10. I never use them but I know they are very useful! :)

  11. The holder is cute. Not tried any of her stuff.

    1. Yes, I love the holder. It is so handy to have :)


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