Monday, August 17, 2020

2 looks 1 palette (avon nesting beauty color palette)

Avon has some hits and some misses. Some products have been in my collection time and time again (like the Always on Point liner and their Perfect Brow Kit) but others have fallen flat. When it comes to their palettes and eyeshadow releases, these have been inconsistent. There have been items that are boldly pigmented and wonderful for travel...and others that are just so-so. Today is all about the Avon Nesting Beauty Color Palette. It is a two-tiered palette with eyeshadow shades, cheek products, and lipsticks. This is compact and has an impressive variety of product...but is it any good? Keep reading for a mini review, a video with swatches, and of course, two different makeup looks.

When it comes to the palette itself, it is round in shape. On the top is a lovely but simple floral print. Then the palette opens up to reveal twelve eyeshadow shades. In terms of the colours, they are largely cool toned and neutral with two more colourful options. (A warm orange and a cool-toned blue.) Then the palette slides to the side to reveal the lower level. There are three small brushes (a blush brush, sponge applicator, and a tiny lip brush), four cheek products, and two lip colours. In terms of the sheer number of products available in such a compact package...this is impressive. It could be a great item to take with you on-the-go or if you are travelling. The packaging itself is thoughtful and effective. Unfortunately, what is happening inside isn't nearly as mind-blowing as those design elements. It is time to take a peek inside to check out all of the products.

Okay. Time to be honest here. The eyeshadow shades in here are....not great. The pigmentation level is inconsistent at best. Those pops of colour? So not colourful. They barely deliver a subtle wash. There are a couple of decent shadows in here but all in all, there just isn't enough pigmentation. At all. That being said, if you are newer to makeup, those eyeshadow shades might work for you. Since they don't have a lot of colour, they are a little more beginner friendly. But if you are someone who is more experienced? These aren't going to give you a lot of bang for your buck. They just aren't that good. It's not all bad, though! The cheek products are absolutely gorgeous. They blend well, the colour selection is wonderful, and they pack a punch. Additionally, the lip products work well but unless you carry the Nesting Beauty Color Palette with you, touch ups won't be possible. As for those little brushes inside? Toss them. While I like the idea of having to-go size brushes, these aren't good quality. They take me back to my early days at the drugstore. And not in a good way.

Want to see the palette in action? Check out some of those swatches? My latest YouTube video is all about this compact release. Take a look....

Okay! Now it is time to deliver on the 2 Looks 1 Palette promise. The first look was a little more neutral and natural. For the second look, I tried to go as bold and as colourful as this palette would allow me to. It required a good primer and a lot of building upon building of product...but I did my best. Be sure to let me know which look you like best.

The Avon Nesting Beauty Color Palette was very hit or miss. Most of the eyeshadow shades lacked pigmentation but the cheek products worked well. Plus, the packaging was unique and would be suitable for travel or to take with you on-the-go. Despite the positives...this was ultimately a bit of a letdown. I don't want just half of the palette to perform well. All of them need to deliver in order for this release to be considered a success.

Have you tried this palette? Are you a fan of Avon?


  1. Thanks for the honest review on this Avon palette:) That is too bad about the pigmentation of the eyeshadows:( I really do love that packaging. And you look awesome in both looks! If I have to pick one, I think I would pick the neutral one:)
    Happy Monday!

    1. The packaging is really cute and clever but sadly the pigmentation isn't all that great. Thank you for your comment!

  2. Really cute makeup!
    totally my style!!

  3. Really cute makeup!
    totally my style!!

  4. I am always fascinated about eye shades, its sad that it is not up to the mark. but your eye makeup is just superb.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. Well, thank you very much. I really appreciate that!

  5. That looks good and nice makeup :-D

  6. Great look! :) I love the colors of this palette!
    Jenna ♥ | Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Thank you! Yes, the shade selection was really pretty.

  7. What a lovely palette and great makeup babe!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  8. I'm glad too =) You're welcome

    I like Avon a lot =) This palette is so beautiful, I like this colours =)


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