Wednesday, August 19, 2020

burt's bees watermelon lip balm (review)

When it comes to Burt's Bees....this isn't a brand that is overly familiar to me. In the past, I've tried exactly two products. One was a liquid lipstick that was ultra sticky and did not dry down (read that review here) and the other was an eye mask that failed to live up to the claims (check out that review here if you missed it). Needless to say, the brand hasn't become an instant favourite. Despite hearing so many wonderful things about Burt's Bees, there still hasn't been a product that impressed me. I hoped that the Watermelon Moisturizing Lip Balm would change all that. Ever since Nivea changed their formula - which I am still unhappy about - I have been on the hunt for my new must-have balm. That has meant trying out an awful lot of products. Some have been better than others but the search continues for my holy grail item. So, how did this moisturizing lip balm perform? Here is everything you need to know about this drugstore release.

The Watermelon Lip Balm is described by the brand as, "a sweet refreshing flavor to remind you of the fresh, ripe watermelon you love while keeping your lips feeling soft and hydrated." Additionally, it is made with responsibly sourced beeswax and is free from parabens, phthalates, petrolatum and SLS. If you are looking for a beauty product that is a little more conscious about ingredients and formulation...this seems like a solid choice on that end. However, there are some issues with the actual performance of the Burt's Bees Watermelon Moisturizing Lip Balm. Mostly that it isn't all that moisturizing. It adds a bit of hydration upon initial application and glides across the lips easily. After about a minute or so, it stops feeling hydrating and the lips actually feel drier than before. Much drier than before, actually. That makes the moisturizing claim completely untrue. At least in my experience using the product. It just didn't do what it was designed to do.

What about that watermelon scent? I have to say, the idea of a watermelon scented lip balm was really intriguing. As soon as I opened the tube, I could smell that fresh watermelon scent. Wonderful! Until it wasn't. At first, the sweet watermelon scent was refreshing. It was pleasant. Once it is applied to the lips, though? Not so much. The scent does not fade at all. After a few minutes, that once lovely watermelon fragrance smell becomes sickly sweet and utterly off-putting. This is going to be a personal preference issue. When it comes to scented products, it really varies for me. Sometimes, I love them. Other times, the smell is too strong or overpowering. This moisturizing lip balm is definitely an example of the latter. Which is a real shame because it really did have a nice scent right off the bat.

1 / 5

In all honesty, this is not a product I would use again, let alone re-purchase. It didn't moisturize the lips. In fact, it made them feel worse than before. The scent was also too overpowering as time went on. Though I appreciate the brand having a natural and sustainable approach to beauty...this just doesn't work. Definitely another miss from Burt's Bees.

Have you tried this lip balm? What did you think of it?


  1. Hello,
    Too bad the product didn't please.
    I really liked the review.

    1. It was definitely a letdown but at least I gave it a try! Thank you for your lovely comment :)

  2. The smell of watermelon is beautiful. But the product is bad

    1. Agree! I love anything watermelon scented but this just didn't work. Thank you for your comment!

  3. Thanks for your review 😊 have a lovely day...

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day as well.

  4. thanks for this review! I love burts bees and never had this watermelon lip balm - I may have to try this one!


    1. I hope it will work better for you! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  5. What a great review, I love its watermelon fragrance


    1. Anything watermelon scented immediately grabs my attention, that's for sure!

  6. I love watermelon lip balm, but its bad that this balm isn't that good. I will skip it!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. It really is! I love the idea of a watermelon scented balm. I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well :)

  7. lots of weck beauty brands...#sad

  8. тоже хочу попробовать этот бальзам

    1. If you end up trying it, I hope it works well for you! <3


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