Monday, August 31, 2020

make-up removing cloths vs the makeup eraser

Dupes are all too common in the makeup industry. In fact, there are entire companies whose sole purpose is to replicate and knock off high-end releases. It seems that the need to dupe pricier items doesn't begin and end with eyeshadows and highlights. Even successful makeup tools are being replicated and released. That is certainly true for The Vintage Cosmetics Company Make-Up Removing Cloths. The concept was eerily similar to the popular The Makeup Eraser, which is sold at Sephora and Ulta. Only there were three cloths instead of one for a cheaper price than the original eraser version. How did they perform? And which one worked better? Here is everything you need to know about these products.

The Makeup Eraser. Okay, lets start with the original. The Makeup Eraser is something that I have reviewed on my blog before. (You can check out that post here if you missed it.) The concept is simple: a cloth that removes makeup. All you do is add water, wipe away product, and move on with your day. It gets washed in the laundry and then is ready to use again. Did I initially think it would work? Not at all. Did it work? Yes! I was stunned that not only did The Makeup Eraser work but it worked so well and so easily. All I needed was water to remove my makeup and there was no tugging or pulling at the skin. Though I don't use this every single day (because I only have one) this is something that I love to take with me on vacations especially. It is effective and compact. There is no doubt about it: The Makeup Eraser is a winner.

Make-Up Removing Cloths. Three for less than the price of one? Now that is an exciting concept. Especially if the cloths from The Vintage Cosmetics Company perform as well as The Makeup Eraser. Did they? Not quite. These cloths are smaller and square in shape but had a cute animal print that made them stand out. The intended use for each side of the cloth was also clearly marked, which was a benefit. However, these didn't work quite as well as the original product. They did in fact remove makeup using only water and the cloth. However, it required a bit more tugging and pulling at the skin to fully remove the products. This isn't necessarily a huge issue but I don't want to do a whole lot of tugging and pulling in certain areas. Particularly around the delicate eye area. While these work, they simply are not as good.

Recently, a video went live on my YouTube channel and it is all about these two makeup removing cloth brands. Here you can take a look at the cloths in action (their colour, size, and shape) as well as my thoughts on both items:

Though the dupe cloths remove makeup decently....the original is superior. The Makeup Eraser is much larger in size, made from a thicker material, and removes makeup completely without dragging or pulling at the skin. While I love the idea of getting more for your money, it might be better to splurge on another eraser rather than three knock offs.

Have you tried either of these makeup removing products? Are you a fan of dupes?


  1. This looks like a great item for remove the makeup darling

    1. It is, for sure! Definitely a great alternative to disposable wipes.

  2. Waoo, this looks very interesting . Seems very soft cloth.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. Yes, both types are really soft and easy to use. Thank you for your comment!

  3. I should buy something like this!

  4. Oh yes girls trips are always much fun =) It was perfect to make some summer memories in those times.

    Great review, this sounds pretty interesting. I use soft peeling pads for cleaning my face =)

    1. It is definitely a really great concept. Thank you so much for your comment!

    2. You're welcome =)

      It was all really delicious =) And yes there was much healthy food =) Thanks a lot.

  5. Interesting post my dear, thank you for sharing )

  6. I tried both. I agree. The Vintage Cosmetics has really cute packaging (I got the light pink set with three inside of them) but the original make up eraser (I got a small patch sample in hot pink) one does take off make up easier.

    I would use my Vintage cosmetics with a gentle swipe and it felt like it grabbed all the make up off, but when I open my eyes in front of the sink, some eyeliner stuff still remained. Overall, I agree it is a pretty good dupe :) But I might also come back to invest in the Original make up eraser once the three pink dupes I have, have become worn and used up.

    Good honest review! x Looking forward to more!

    Mari |

    1. Wow, thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! I am so glad you also had a positive experience with The Makeup Eraser. It really is a great product though there is certainly something to be said for the dupes. Thank you again <3

  7. I want to try :)

  8. I haven't tried them yet, but it seems interesting.

  9. I'd love to try the original one, I bought makeup removing cloths from Primark and Notino and I love them, but I'm curious about the Makeup eraser ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Oh nice! I'm glad those worked well. If you end up trying the makeup eraser, be sure to let me know what you think of it!

  10. I prefer the practical one, so I would probably go with makeup cleanser instead of makeup removing cloth, but anyway, thanks for sharing!


    1. Practical is sometimes the best way to go. Thank you so much for weighing in!

  11. I need to try this out! It looks amazing! Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it!

  12. I didn't know these products and in reality I always use make-up removers and cotton pads!

    1. I used to do the same! Having these cloths on hand really cuts down on waste from disposable wipes, which is great!


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