Monday, August 3, 2020

shop my stash: abh x alyssa edwards palette

What is old is new again. At least when it comes to my makeup collection. Normally, this time of year is spent splurging on shiny new items from Sephora or adding exciting releases from the drugstore to my beauty room. These days? I am doing everything in my power to cut back. To step back from the lure of spending and focus on enjoying more of what I have. This is something I am working on in every aspect of my life. What caused this shift? For a few months, I was at home. All the time. I rarely left the house except to buy groceries. COVID-19 changed everything in an instant. There were no more trips to the shopping mall or cute outfits to buy for special events. There weren't any concerts to attend or dinners with friends to enjoy. It made me re-prioritize my spending....but it also made me realize how blessed I am to have so many wonderful things.

My home has shelves full of books. Drawers full of eyeshadow palettes. Movies, DVD sets, crafting supplies, and notebooks. I am so lucky. And yet, in the past, I have always been looking for more, more, more. This isn't to say I will never buy anything new again. More that I am trying to be thoughtful. I am trying to really use and enjoy the incredible things I am grateful to have. Which is why you will see some different kinds of posts on here. (You may have already noticed this shift!) Yes, there will still be lots of reviews but there will also be shop my stash posts, revisited reviews, #FOTD style posts, and so on. My goal is to appreciate every single item in my current makeup collection. On that note! Here is an updated review and a makeup look featuring the Anastasia Beverly Hills x Alyssa Edwards eyeshadow palette.

It was just over a year ago that the Anastasia Beverly Hills x Alyssa Edwards collaboration made its way into my beauty collection. During a VIB Rouge Event, I snapped up this colourful release. This was mostly because I have long been an Alyssa Edwards fan. (She is best-known for being on RuPaul's Drag Race and the Netflix show, Dancing Queens.) Another reason was my desire to be more adventurous with my makeup looks. I loved the colourful options! Plus, there were some wonderful neutrals in there that were a little more my speed. It seemed to be the best of both worlds.

In my original review (which you can see here), I mentioned that this wasn't something I would consider an essential. Despite how well it performs, the impressive pigmentation level, and variety of shadow shades. The reason for this? If you are someone who doesn't gravitate towards bold colours and prefers to wear neutrals and only neutrals...those bright and intense colours simply won't get a lot of use in your everyday life. It really depends on your own personal preferences.

Over the course of the past year, my most used eyeshadow shade from this palette is Headliner. That bold white shade is ridiculously pigmented. It has come in handy many times! For the look I created today, that shadow was put to good use. I applied Headliner all over the lid, Unicorn Tribe through the crease, Believe on the outer portion of the lid and worked through the crease, then Brick Road on the inner corner, and Texas Made underneath the lower lash line. It seemed like the best possible way to put as many colours as possible to use. Here is the shop my stash #FOTD:

Spending more time with the Alyssa Edwards eyeshadow palette has been a lot of fun. It is always exciting to do something different and get playful with colour. Recently, this palette made it into my list of rediscovered favourites. Check out my latest YouTube video for some other palettes that have been making me smile lately.

Do you have this palette? What eyeshadows have you been loving lately?


  1. Amazing makeup, love the colours in this palette :-D

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, there are so many gorgeous shades.

  2. Loyalty points are pretty nice =) Oh yes the water bottle is really great, I will use it for my next trips.

    Oh wow this palette is so beautiful, I love this colours <3 And I love your look, perfect for summer.

    1. It is! The palette has so many fun and exciting colours. Thank you!

    2. You're right =) You're welcome <3

      Oh yes my burger was so delicious with this BBQ sauerkraut <3

  3. I love that look you created, Shannon:) Looking gorge as always! The colourful look is a nice change of pace, and I think we all should do it especially nowadays. And even though I'm not a big Kardashian fan, I must say I really want that Kylie palette. Her makeup items do seem to always be such a winner.
    Hope you're having a lovely long weekend:)

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, it is fun to play with colour every now and again. For sure. The Kylie palette is really pretty and I just love the colours. Thank you so much for stopping by <3

  4. These palette are very beautiful! I'm going to see your video on YouTube!

  5. Beautiful post, dear! I love reading your amazing blog. It's all perfect. This palette is so cute.
    Have a nice day!

  6. I love your makeup! Very beautiful eyeshadow palette ))

  7. Boa tarde. Esse estojo faria muito sucesso aqui no Brasil.

  8. Love its lovely packaging and variety of vibrant colours ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

  9. Apart from the fact that you are very good with make up but I also like the shades of this palette!

  10. amazing


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