Friday, September 4, 2020

2 looks 1 palette (avon oh what fun makeup mega palette)

My last post was all about the Oh What Fun Makeup Mega Palette from Avon. The compact but over loaded palette had an awful lot going on. There were 66 eyeshadows, 5 blushes, 4 lip glosses, and 2 highlights in when I say a lot going on, I really mean it! (In case you missed that review, you can check it out here.) With dozens upon dozens of eyeshadow colours to choose from, it only made sense to do a 2 looks 1 palette post. The Mega Palette itself was separated into multiple layers. The top layer had neutral eyeshadow shades and the second layer had colourful eyeshadows. Then the last level contained all of the cheek and lip products. So, for this 2 looks 1 palette post, there will be one neutral makeup look and one more colourful creation. Ready to see how they turned out? Here goes...

Look #1: Neutral Glam

The first look using the palette put to use some of those gorgeous golden eyeshadows. To start, I applied the deepest shade of gold all over the eyelids. Then I added a small amount of the brighter gold to the center of the lid. Then through the crease, I blended one of the golden brown shades. Along the lower lash line, it was a hint of a brownish purple along the outer corner, and then that brighter gold in the centre. To finish it all off, I took the lightest shade in the palette and applied it underneath the brows and in the inner corner. The rest of the eye makeup consisted of a bit of black eyeliner and mascara. Then on the cheeks, I used the maroon coloured blush from the Avon Oh What Fun Makeup Mega Palette and the darkest lip gloss (which had a berry-toned finish) from the set. The look was warm, wearable, and just a little bit glam.

Look #2: Cool Toned Purples

The second look created using these Avon eyeshadows was all about having fun with colour. Thankfully, the middle layer had an awful lot of colours to choose from. Ultimately, I decided to use the row of purple eyeshadow shades. That meant using a soft plum through the crease, a mid-toned purple on the outer corner of the eye and a light shimmery purple on the inner portion of the eye and in the inner corner. I also used lots of that light purple shade along the lower lash line. To finish it all off was a bit of winged liner and some mascara. For the cheeks, I used that cool toned pink blush from the palette and added on a frosty gloss to give this look a cool holographic kind of finish. 

Talk about shade selection! These looks were a lot of fun to create and I love how different they are from one another. With so many additional eyeshadow shades left in the palette to test and try...this is just the tip of the iceberg. I can't wait to continue putting the Avon Oh What Fun Makeup Mega Palette to good use. 

What do you think of these makeup looks? Are you a fan of Avon eyeshadows?


  1. Thanks a lot, I like this things too. Oh you're absolutely right, this is really dissapointing. The only cool thing in this magazine were the posters :D Thanks, I hope you having a great week too =)

    Great post =) This palette is so beautiful and I like your make up, perfect for every day and every night :D

    1. You're welcome =)

      It's absolutely exciting =) Oh yes I love to try new products. I'm sure about that too, this nail colour is so perfect for fall =)

  2. Oh so lovely eye makeup
    I prefer the neutral look

    1. Yes, it turned out pretty nicely! Thank you for your comment :)

  3. You look amazing my dear! Perfect makeup!

  4. Beautiful looks! I prefer the neutral one :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

  5. I never use Avon products but the second make up is very nice

  6. They have some really great products. Thank you for your comment!

  7. Such a great range of looks you will be able to create! I really like both of these, I think the first is my favourite but you did a fab job with both! :)

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Yes! I love when there is lots to choose from. Thank you very much <3

  8. Both looks are super pretty, seems like a very versatile palette!
    i've never tried avon, would like to :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. It is definitely versatile! Avon has a lot of impressive products, for sure.

  9. Amazing


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