Tuesday, September 29, 2020

current obsession: dove body wash mousse

It isn't often that a new body wash totally knocks my socks off. Though there are an awful lot that I've tried over the years (from a wide variety of brands)...few body washes are products that I would actually consider must haves. Sure, I enjoy some more than others but there isn't one specific type or brand that has become an essential part of my shopping list. Until now. Fairly recently, Dove released a line of the Body Wash Mousse body washes and they have been a total game changer for me. In fact, I have already repurchased this product! Want to find out more about the Body Wash Mousse? Here is everything you need to know about the latest skin care release from Dove.

First thing is first. Just what is the Body Wash Mousse? What makes it unique? According to the Dove website, this skin care product gently cleanses and cares for skin, leaving it feeling clean and soft. Essentially, it is a foaming, lathering, body wash. It comes in a can like shaving cream and foams up just the same. It feels indulgent, creamy, and is also easy to use. The latter is my favourite part. There is a real convenience to the formula. And best of all? It really speeds up shower time! The mousse rinses off easily and it doesn't irritate the skin. The Body Wash Mousse is described as a mild and gentle cleanser formulated without parabens and sulfates. From my experience, this lives up to all of the product claims.

Another benefit? This is a multi-use product. Not only does it work as a body wash but it is also formulated to double as a shaving cream as well. That means you can always make the most of this drugstore item. There are three scents and formulas in total. One is made with rose oil, one with argan oil, and the last with coconut oil. Though I haven't tried the argan oil one just yet....I really love the coconut oil and rose oil versions. Out of the two, I have to admit, the rose oil one is my favourite. It smells fantastic. The scent is not too strong but not too subtle either. The coconut oil version has a much softer scent than the rose oil one. So if you are someone that prefer something a little more understated, the coconut oil version might be the better option. It really depends on your own personal preferences.

Want to hear a little bit more about the Dove Body Wash Mousse line? See the way it foams? Then be sure to check out my latest YouTube video. It is dedicated to this fabulous line of skin care products.

Yes, the new line of skin care products from Dove certainly wowed me. The formula of the Body Wash Mousse is fabulous, easy to use, and multi-purpose. Plus, it smells great and has an affordable price tag. It has definitely become a must have part of my daily routine. Out of all the Dove products I have tried so far....this line is by far the best.

Have you tried the Body Wash Mousse? Are you a fan of Dove products?


  1. I love dove products 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

    1. They have so many great ones! Thank you for your comment!

  2. Oh yes I love bowls and this yoghurt bowl was also so delicious, perfect to start in the day =) You're welcome.

    Great review =) I love Dove products and this body wash mousses sound also great. coconut oil would be my favourite =)

  3. I don't know these ones. But I am obsessed with shower gels. Do you have Treacle Moon products over there? OMG I have had and have most of them! Check them out <3

    1. You know, I don't think we do! Or at least, I haven't come across anything from that brand. They must be pretty fabulous. I will certainly keep my eyes peeled!

  4. Boa noite parabéns pelo excelente produto.

  5. Boa noite. Dove é maravilhoso. Parabéns pela excelente matéria.

  6. I will définately look out for this and try it... I've used alot of body wash and my skin broke out badly so I had to stop

    Glowyshoe's blog

    1. Oh no! That sounds awful. I haven't had a problem with any Dove products. They are really gentle and work well with my sensitive skin. <3

  7. This sounds excellent. I am currently using one by Dr Teals that I really like but I will have to check this out. I do like their bar soaps.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. I'm glad you have something that you are liking so much!

  8. Replies
    1. They are fabulous! Yes, Dove has so many great products.

  9. I don't use Dove but glad that you have a good experience. I love shower gels and cream washes.

    1. I normally use shower gels but this works so much better! Thank you so much for your comment!


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