Monday, September 14, 2020

early autumn tag + the palette tag youtube video

Me? Excited about fall? Okay...maybe just a little. The new season feels like a fresh start and nothing could be more thrilling than that. The first official day of fall is just a few days away. That means before long, the months will be all about sweater weather, warm beverages, and pumpkin scented candles. What could be better than that? To prepare for the beginning of fall, it only makes sense to do a seasonal tag here on Mansa Fashion. The first is going to include twenty fall themed questions and after that there will be my latest YouTube video. The latter is the Eyeshadow Palette Tag, where you can see some favourites and flops from my makeup collection. Ready to get started and embrace autumn? Here goes...

Early Autumn TAG (Questions + Answers)

Sometimes, seasonal tags can be an awful lot of fun. When I came across the Early Autumn TAG from Seven Roses, immediately I knew that I wanted to answer the questions. Here are the fall themed questions along with my answers.

1. Favourite Thing About Autumn? I absolutely love walking around in the crisp autumn air, with colourful leaves scattered on the ground. Everything always smells, feels, and looks incredible.
2. Spooky Autumn or Cozy Autumn? Cozy autumn! Don't get me wrong. I love to watch Halloween themed movies (and scary movies) when October rolls around, but generally speaking, I prefer sweaters and warm candles.
3. Haunted House or Halloween Party? Definitely not haunted house. I absolutely hate them! The idea of someone jumping out at me is my nightmare. So by default, I would say that Halloween parties are preferable.
4. Carve Pumpkins or Paint Pumpkins? Carve a pumpkin, for sure. This isn't something that I do every year but my husband and I usually give it an attempt every other year or so. It can be a lot of fun.
5. Go Apple Picking or on a Hay Ride? Honestly, I don't think I've done either! Though I have always wanted to go apple picking. It seems like it would be a neat thing to do.
6. Pumpkin Spice Lattes or Mulled Apple Cider? Neither. I'm definitely more of a hot chocolate kind of girl. Though I do enjoy pumpkin spice flavouring in foods and candle scents.
7. What Did You Dress Up As For Halloween Last Year? Last year, I was Ariana Grande for Halloween. This was partly because her music is awesome and partly because it was a quick and easy costume to pull together.
8. Falling Rain or a Crackling Fireplace? I love when it's raining outside and I'm safe and tucked away inside. The sound of the rain hitting the window is extremely relaxing. Though a fireplace can be quite nice, too!
9. Have You Purchased Any Fall Decor Yet? No, I haven't. I don't do a lot of decorating specifically for fall. Though I do have some Halloween decorations that I put up in October.
10. Favourite Photo You Took Last Fall? There is a picture that my husband and I took last fall at the zoo. It was to celebrate my birthday! We had such a nice day. Since the pandemic, looking back at fun fall photos has made me especially nostalgic.
11. Favourite Autumn Themed Movie? I don't know that there's an autumn themed movie in particular. Though there are lots of Halloween ones I love. Like Mary-Kate and Ashley's Double, Double, Toil and Trouble.
12. Favourite Colour to Wear in Autumn? Honestly? I am a total sucker for a plaid shirt in a deep red colour. It is so easy to wear for fall. Other than that, I don't tend to wear fall specific colours.
13. Favourite Autumn Themed Book? Well, I love the descriptions of fall in the Anne of Green Gables books and Leslie Meier's Halloween Murder is excellent.
14. Best Way to Spend a Rainy Day? Tucked away inside with a good book, my reading socks on, and a warm cup of hot chocolate. Few things are better than that!
15. Favourite Autumn Food? Does chocolate count? The last few years, Lindor has released pumpkin spice chocolates, and I absolutely adore them. They are so delicious.
16. Favourite Autumn Quote? There are so many good ones. My current favourite is: "Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower." - Albert Camus
17. Favourite Autumn Leaf? What a strange question this is! Does that mean favourite autumn leaf colour? Because I always love when they turn that warm golden shade.
18. Favourite Autumn Activity? I don't know that there is one specific activity but I always love doing something special to celebrate my birthday. Like dinner with my family, going to the zoo, or seeing a movie. The little things matter most.
19. Favourite Autumn Scent? When it comes to scents for fall, anything from Leyland & Body Works is fair game. I love pumpkin, caramel, marshmallow, and everything in between.
20. Is it Your Birthday in Autumn? It is! My birthday is in October. It is something that I look forward to each and ever year. It has always been really important and special to me. This year, I won't be able to celebrate it properly (my friend is getting married on that day) but I hope it will still be special.

The Palette TAG YouTube Video

Just in case makeup is more your thing (or you are sick and tired of thinking about fall)...there is always The Palette TAG. This is something that has been making the rounds on YouTube in the last while. I originally saw it on Emily Noel's channel and decided to film my own version. Find out which palettes are the best, worst, and in between.

Are you excited for fall? Will you do the early autumn tag or the palette tag?


  1. Lovely photos and amazing video, thank you very much!

  2. Very interesting post.

  3. Beautiful video and these shades... so gorgeous!

    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. Thank you! It is always fun to look at makeup palettes!

  4. Love the fall tag - I'll have to answer those questions on an Insta post or something! :)
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Yes! You definitely should. I can't wait to see your answers!

  5. there are so many things to love about autumn!
    thank you for sharing

    1. I totally agree! I love sweater weather so much! Thank you for stopping by :)

  6. I love Hallowe'en and all the pumpkins and stuff for it!

    1. Oh goodness, me too! I can't wait to decorate for Halloween. I've been trying to wait until October, but it has been difficult.

  7. nice video! I like autumn actually but I am not yet ready to let summer go. but starts raining cats and dogs here so it is invetable

    1. It happens! But at least now there will be cozy sweaters to make the fall season special.


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