Tuesday, September 22, 2020

looking back: summer highlights and seasonal memories

Somehow, summer is over. Officially. The season definitely seemed to zoom by. Though my mind has been focused on fall lately (the early fall tag is a prime example of that)...a part of me will still be sad to see summer leave. Mostly because this summer was a little unconventional. Normally, there would've been concerts and visits to the CNE. Instead, it was largely spent indoors, attempting to stay as safe as possible. That being said, there were some summer highlights. And since each year, I like to look back at those meaningful seasonal memories, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. So without further ado, here are some of the memories made over the last few months.

Scenic Safari at the Toronto Zoo

The summer season started with an exciting and unique experience. Though everything was shut down in June....the Toronto Zoo opened up in a fresh new way. They created a drive thru zoo tour, called the Scenic Safari. It allowed vehicles to register for a time and then enjoy a guided (via downloaded audio) throughout sections of the zoo. Everything was set up in a way that was thoughtful and safe. We were able to see a few animals, check out different portions of the zoo, enjoy some gorgeous views, and do something that fun. Though this wasn't the way my husband and I normally spend a day at the Toronto Zoo, it was a positive experience. Especially since at the time, it had been the first outing we'd had in months! The Scenic Safari was an interesting experience - and one summer memory I won't soon forget.

The Big Apple Tourist Spot

It had been a while since my husband and I had visited The Big Apple. This tourist spot is a long drive away from where we live...but on a whim, we decided to check it out after reading about their safety measures. That included required masks, staggered entrance into the store, hand sanitizer, and closed off portions of the property. So, we took a drive, put on our masks and had some fun. There is a small petting zoo at The Big Apple (though obviously there was no petting) so we were able to see some adorable animals. Then we wandered to The Big Apple itself, though it was closed. Normally, you can walk inside it and up to the top (you can see that here) but understandably, this was not to be! We waited in line and then checked out the store, where we picked up some delicious baked goods. We were only there for an hour or so but it was much-needed.

Five Year Wedding Anniversary Celebrations

In early July, my husband and I celebrated our five year wedding anniversary. Normally, there would have been a weekend getaway or some sort of special night out to celebrate. Given the circumstances, things were different this year. We were able to have a socially distanced backyard BBQ with my family and his family shortly before our anniversary. We were spoiled with cupcake flowers (pictured above) and lovely gifts. My husband and I felt overwhelmed by it all, in the best possible way. To go from not being able to see anyone or do much of anything...to all of that family time and celebration? It was incredible. On the day of our anniversary, my husband and I had a picnic in the park. All in all, it was a very special time.

African Lion Safari Tour

It seems like drive through zoos were the way to go this summer! In addition to the Scenic Safari, my immediate family and I made the long drive to African Lion Safari. I have been there once before but never really got the full park experience. (It was on the way back from a road trip and the zoo was closing shortly.) Unfortunately, the full park experience was not to be this time either. We took part in the drive through portion, of course, but skipped out on visiting the rest of the park area. Maybe on day in future I will finally see all of African Lion Safari. Who knows! But it was a lot of fun to drive around and see so many animals up close. There were giraffes, zebras, various birds, deer, and of course, lots of lions. It was a really fun few hours. 

This summer was certainly different. Despite that, there were still plenty of happy memories being made. From all of the day-to-day experiences, like binge-watching a new TV show or cooking a special meal, to the unexpected day trips, like the Scenic Safari and The Big Apple....this summer was one for the books. Here is to a fresh new start with fall. There is no doubt in my mind that it will be equally memorable.

How did you spend your summer? Were you able to make the season memorable?


  1. What a nice places 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. Great highlights and congrats on 5 years <3

    Most of my summer involved walking locally and enjoying feeding the ducks! Certainly been an odd year 2020 huh!

    1. Thank you so much! Oh, that sounds like a lovely way to spend the summer. But you are right - it has been a very unique year!

  3. Such great memories! Those cupcakes are absolutely amazing - I definitely need to get some cupcakes at some point... Haven't had them in awhile!
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Yes! They were so good. I think this is a good reminder to enjoy some baked goods today :)

  4. you summer seams great! You made lovely memories. I am so sad say good bye to summer and all its joy

    1. It certainly had some ups and downs, given everything happening in the world, but it was nice to sneak in some special moments!

  5. Great post dear!Photos are amazing !   

  6. Grom the photos I see that you spent a summer full of nature!

    1. You are right! I hadn't thought of it that way, but very true!

  7. Thanks for sharing your lovely memories with us :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

    1. You are welcome! Thank you so much for stopping by!


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