Wednesday, September 16, 2020

warm + cool makeup look (feat. too faced and kvd vegan beauty)

When it comes to makeup...there are no rules. Or at least there shouldn't be when it comes to colour combinations. For the most part, I tend to separate my looks into warm, cool, or colourful. Rarely do those categories come together. But lately, I have been mixing and matching. For me, that meant reaching for warm eyeshadow shades and cheek products but then finishing it all off with an ultra cool-toned lipstick shade. This was the first time in a while that I felt inspired to incorporate both warm and cool tones into a makeup look. Want to see how it turned out? Find out what products helped pull it all together? Here is a warm and cool makeup look featuring some high end products from Too Faced and Kat Von D.

Creating a warm and cool makeup look required the right products. There were a few that immediately came to mind. First was an eyeshadow palette from Too Faced. The Christmas Cookie Eyeshadow Palette (released last Christmas as part of Too Faced's annual holiday themed sets). This palette instantly sprung to mind because it is overloaded with gorgeous warm shades. There are an awful lot of browns and warm metallics to choose from. For the cheeks, I instantly reached for the Too Faced bronzer in the shade Gingerbread Tan (another holiday release). The bronzer was a fairly simple choice as it has been my go-to lately! Next up was the Kat Von D (recently renamed KVD Vegan Beauty) Tattoo Liner. To finish it all off, I needed a lipstick that was cool-toned and dramatic. Though there were a few that I debated between, the Kat Von D Studded Kiss lipstick in the shade Zero was the winner. This is without a doubt, one of my all-time favourite lipstick shades. Though because of that dramatic cool tone, it doesn't get nearly as much use as it should.

To put the look together, I started with the face products. That included the L'Oreal Pro Glow Foundation, a little bit of the Hard Candy Glamoflauge concealer underneath the eyes, and a bit of powder to finish it all off. Then I used the Too Faced Gingerbread Tan bronzer to lightly contour and then used it as a warm blush on the cheeks. To shape and fill in my eyebrows, I used a pencil from Essence (it was super affordable and is without a doubt the best brow pencil I have ever used. Stay tuned for a full review on that). Then it was time for the eyes. I used the shade Sled No One Ever (a light matte brown) through the crease, then Nooks & Cranberries (a warm cranberry shade) all over the lid, a dash of Tinsel Town on the center of the lid (for an extra dash of glitter) and a bit of Secret Santa (a warm brown) along the outer corner.

Underneath the lash line, it was Sled No One on the inner portion and Nooks & Cranberries towards the ends. To finish off the eyes, I created a winged line using the Kat Von D Tattoo Liner and The Super Sizer from Cover Girl. Next, it was the Kat Von D Studded Kiss lipstick in the shade Zero. That final step really gave this look that dramatic cool-toned finish that it needed.

As you can see from the finished look, the combination of warm and cool colours created something that was wearable but bold and just a little bit unexpected. All in all, I was really happy with the way this makeup look turned out. This look wasn't just fun to put together. It also reminded me just how much I adore the Too Faced Christmas Cookie Eyeshadow Palette. It is something that I plan to reach for more often in the days and weeks to come.

What do you think of this makeup look? Do you like to blend warm and cool colours together?


  1. wow! wow! wow! wow! awesome! I love the lipstick so much, it so pretty! I need to try similar color on me

  2. Oh yes it's pretty cute =) Perfect for my holidays in 2022 :D

    This look is perfect for autumn =) Love the colour of this lipstick.

    1. Oh yes this headphones are perfect for my smartphone and my iPod, great sound. I can't wait too and I will show what's inside like the last year =)

    2. Thank you so much! I love that lipstick shade as well. It is so unique.


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