Saturday, October 3, 2020

affordable must-have: essence eyebrow designer brow pencil

Believe it or not, shopping isn't something that has taken up a lot of my time lately. With the world the way it goal is always to stay inside and stay safe as much as possible. That means less time is spent window shopping. Or even picking up necessities. That being said, I was down to the last inch of my previous eyebrow pencil. It was a must-have kind of scenario. So, my husband and I popped out to pick up a few needed items from the drugstore. Including a new brow pencil. I wasn't exactly sure what brand to choose from, since my previous favourite wasn't sold at that particular location. On a whim, I grabbed the Eyebrow Designer Brow Pencil from Essence. Why that product? Why that brow pencil? Quite frankly, it was cheap. The pencil cost less than $3 CDN. If I wasn't able to grab a product that I knew and made sense to choose the cheapest item until I was able to get my hands on those old favourites. Turns out? This is my new favourite brow pencil. 

There have been some hits and misses when it comes to Essence products. (Check out previous posts on Mansa Fashion. for some hits and misses.) All in all? They are a fairly solid brand with incredibly affordable products. They are wonderful for those just starting out with makeup - or beauty lovers looking to try something new without breaking the bank. When it comes to the Essence Eyebrow Designer Brow Pencil, my expectations were low. Why? It was a cheap brow pencil and there were no testers (which is probably the new normal). Despite this, it seemed like the product would work in a pinch. According to the brand, this is "an eyebrow pencil and brush all in one. A smooth pencil to define, outline, and fill in brows. Easy to blend and comb with attached brush. Available in three natural shades." In terms of the shade selection, there wasn't much. Luckily, the brown shade was a perfect match for me. Not too light and not too dark. It was absolutely perfect.

When it comes to the design, the fact that there is a little brow comb attached to the lid is certainly convenient. Nothing over the top but a nice add-on to elevate this affordable item. The best part of the Eyebrow Designer Brow Pencil? The formula. It is just right. The pencil glides on smoothly but isn't too soft in texture. It looks natural, defines with ease, and creates gorgeous brows in no-time flat. This product has really made my brow routine better. I can fill in my brows quickly and easily. And as someone who has always struggled with eyebrows (growing up, I hated how my eyebrows looked, and to this day, I have a hard time feeling good about them)....this product is truly a wonder. For me, the colour match was spot on, the price point was incredible, and the formula was impressive. This is a new must-have in my makeup collection. 

Rating: 5 / 5

I wasn't looking for a new brow product. But thankfully, a fabulous brow pencil came into my life rather unexpectedly. I am so glad it did! Not only will this lower my repurchase costs (those heavily-used items sure add up) but it will keep my eyebrows looking good day after day. The Eyebrow Designer Brow Pencil from Essence is an affordable must-have. 

Have you tried this eyebrow pencil? Are you a fan of Essence?


  1. I have to try it! I still haven´t found any eyebrow product I love...
    have a great weekend,

    1. It is such a good one - and so affordable too! I hope you are able to find something you love!

  2. I don't do my brows at all but I've certainly done the "grab the cheapest option and hope it works out" thing before, haha! It's resulted in some pleasant surprises, like this, and I'm glad this works for you! :)

    Hope that you are having a great weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Ha, yes! It is always so nice when it actually works out that way! Thank you so much. I hope your weekend is going well <3

  3. looking very nice! Thanks for sharing! Awesome pics! 👌👌👌 Have a wonderful day my friend! ☀️☀️☀️

  4. Absolutely wonderful =) I really hope too but I like Gehwol products a lot and so I think this hand cream will be very nice too.

    Great review =) I have this Essence eyebrow designer pencil too and I like it a lot. It's cheap and it works well =)

    1. Yes, it works so well. I just love it! Glad you are enjoying it as well :)

  5. I love it so much!My favorite brow pen!

  6. yea this is really good to give proper shape to eyebrow. Thanks for sharing.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

  7. You may not believe me, but I´ve been using this FOR AGES! Since HIGH SCHOOL. The most convenient and definitely the best one for me ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

    1. Really?? Oh wow! Then you definitely know how great it is! I am so glad to have found it. It is a new must-have!


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