Saturday, October 24, 2020

aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.

Happy birthday to me! This is always an exciting day in the calendar year for me. Even after all these years, my birthday still makes me feel like a rock star. It is something that I always look forward to. This year? Things are...well....different. On one hand, there is the global pandemic. That means no seeing friends, no dinners out, no going to movies or heading to a special event. On the other hand, one of my closest friends is actually getting married today. And I am a bridesmaid. Though the details of the event have changed significantly (an extremely paired down guest list and social distancing measures in place) the wedding will still be taking place today. That means my birthday will be unusual all around. Typically, I would have separate plans with my husband, family, and friends in the days surrounding my birthday. Maybe next year.

Most of today will be spent getting ready for the wedding and then driving to the venue. (It is a few hours away.) And then of course, the happy festivities! Tomorrow is likely to feel a little bit more like my birthday. Well, as much as it can, given the circumstances. My immediate family and I will be having a quiet dinner at home. Since it is my brother's birthday as well (we are twins), there will be gifts to exchange and homemade birthday cake to enjoy. Despite everything happening in the world these days, I am grateful for those moments of normality. I am also grateful that I will be able to spend some time with my family. After all, that is what matters most.

To celebrate my birthday, I decided to do the Birthday TAG over on my YouTube channel. There are ten questions in total, all related to my birthday and birth month. Take a look if you are interested:

On that note! It is time for me to head out and enjoy all of the unconventional festivities. Fingers crossed it ends up being a birthday to remember for all the right reasons.

What are your weekend plans? Do you have a birthday coming up soon?


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Shannon and great to be a bridesmaid too :-D

  2. Oh dear happy birthday!I wish you best year of your life,and for every next year to be even better!Hope you'll have good health,a lot of luck and love in your life!
    xoxo <3

  3. awww happy birthday! I really hope you enjoy your day despite the pandemic. It was really different for me too this year, but I managed to focus on the positives :)

    x Natalie
    Lucy and the Runaways - Blog and Instagram

    1. I am so glad you were able to find the good in the situation! It ended up being a very unconventional birthday but it will certainly be one to remember!

  4. Happy birthday to you sweetie!
    Hope you have an amazing day and enjoy it a lot :D

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  5. That's a wonderful way of thinking. It's so nice your friend still managed to get her wedding, even with so many changes. Hope you're having a wonderful birthday and wish you an incredible year <3


  6. Ohh happy birthday dear!! I hope you had a great time, even if this year things are quite different, I wish you all the best ^^

  7. That's awesome! Happy birthday princess!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  8. Happy birthday darling! I hope you had a great day!

    1. Thank you! It was a different kind of celebration but a memorable one!

  9. Happy birthday, Shannon! Sending you much love, and hope it's a great one:) And congrats to your friend on her wedding as well!
    PS How did I know know you have a twin?!?!

    1. Thank you so much! Ha! I might not have mentioned it before, but yes, I am a twin!


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