Wednesday, October 7, 2020

early fall favourites (books, candles, nails, and makeup)

Sometimes, the little things matter most. That is certainly true these days! It is the small joys in life that make me happiest lately. Especially since the world has changed so much in the last six or seven months. It seems that everything is upside down....but at least there are small comforts. Like the beginning of fall, the return of sweater weather, and a few recent favourites. As you can see from the picture above, lots of things are bringing me comfort at the moment. There are books, decor pieces, scented candles, nail polish strips, and shimmery beauty items. Ready to find out more about these early fall comforts? Here is everything you need to know about these recent favourites.

The start of a new season always feels like a re-start. Temperatures change and interests shift. With the early days of fall fully underway now, the temperatures have changed and my interests have become a little more comfort-centric. Ahh, bliss! Some of the items that are bringing me happiness lately are as follows:

  • Decorative Enchanted Rose. The first item on this favourites list is a gorgeous enchanted rose decoration. Basically, this is a glass dome with a wooden base. There are fairy lights that wrap around a faux rose inside. My husband ordered this online for me...just because. I am a huge Disney fan (which you may know based on my many Disney-focused blog posts) and this decor piece looked like it came straight out of Beauty and the Beast. It is the perfect way to add a little light and whimsy to my home. 
  • Help Me Book by Marianne Power. Reading is a passion of mine. I love to read and I love to write! One of the books I finished more recently was from Marianne Power. It focused on her journey through multiple self-help books. Each month, she would follow the advice in a self-help book to the letter. Then she hoped to learn and grow from each experience. It was a fascinating read from start to finish. Not only did I learn a lot about the author but I learned a lot about myself in the reading process as well.
  • Sally Hansen Salon Effects Nail Polish Strips. I have long been a fan of the Salon Effects Nail Polish Strips from Sally Hansen. (In fact, I wrote about them way back in 2012! You can check out that post here.) They have lots of gorgeous patterns and prints, are easy to apply, and last decently. It had been a while since I last put on a pair but I was ready for something a little bit different. So I pulled out a pair that had been sitting in my nail drawer. It was a beautiful light pink colour with a geographic design. It was the perfect confidence boost!
  • Milk Makeup Highlight in Turnt. There are an awful lot of highlighting products in my collection. Some are used more than others. Now that the fall season is here, I have been loving cream highlights more than ever. They add such a lovely glow. One product that I have reached for a lot lately comes from Milk Makeup. This was a high-end sample that I received from a Sephora event last year. It glides onto the skin nicely and offers lots of glitter.
  • Pumpkin Scented Candle. Oh, fall scents. Nothing makes me happier during the fall months than something pumpkin scented. It is just so warm and inviting. Though I have used up an awful lot of my candle collection over the last several months (thanks to being home more often)...there are still a couple of pumpkin candles that have been making me smile. A current favourite is this fabulous Pumpkin Patch mason jar candle. It smells fabulous.

There you have it! These are a few of my early fall favourites. From decor pieces to awful lot has been making me smile lately. Here is to a new season and a fresh start.

Do you have any fall favourites? What do you love most about this time of year?


  1. The rose light is so cute! I love the Beauty and the Beast vibes too, what a sweet gift from your hubby! :)

    I have been using a lot of scented candles as well as I work from home more often - it's been so nice to have them as I've had to be careful around the kids with them, but now they are back at school I'm burning them regularly :) I will miss the lovely scents when I go back to the office I think, haha!

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

    1. It really is! I love having it nearby. Oh goodness, yes. That is definitely a perk of working from home. Lots of lovely scented candles to brighten your day!

  2. Great post and products.

  3. A good pumpkin candle is a must for the season. :)
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

  4. I can imagine the lovely smell of the candle. Your rose dome is so nice, I want one too!


    1. Thank you! It is so pretty. I hope you are able to find one!

  5. I love scented candles and this autumn must be very good.

  6. Thank you so much! It really was a wonderful book.

  7. Oh yes I love it too and so I'm very happy about that shirt =) Thank you, Marilyn Monroe was a power woman <3

    Great fall favourites =) A friend of mine has that rose too, it's so cute. Oh wow this candle would be perfect for me, I love pumpkin <3

    1. Yes, it is super cute! Glad she has one as well. It makes a really nice decor piece. Thank you so much for your comment!

  8. Pumpkin candles are the best :-D

  9. Love that candle! I have apple & almond one next to me ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

    1. Ooh, that sounds lovely! You are definitely embracing all things fall!

  10. I love candles all year long but apples are definitely a must for my fall. rose is super cute as well

    1. Same! I love candles throughout the year but fall scents always make me happy. I hope you have an apple candle nearby!


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