Thursday, October 1, 2020

#FOTD: warm glam + beauty favourites

Going out and being social? Not so much. That certainly isn't something I have been doing a lot of in the last six months or so. In fact, I've been inside almost all of the time. Apart from visiting my immediate family and picking up groceries, that is. However, last month my friend had a socially distanced bachelorette party. It was in a backyard, we all stayed away from each other, wore masks except for when we were eating or drinking, and did everything humanly possible to stay safe. Despite all of the precautions, it was still a little unnerving for me. Like I said...leaving the house isn't something I've been doing a whole lot of. But it was a special occasion and it was important for me to be there and to support my friend. Especially since her wedding experience has undergone so much change due to the pandemic. It was a memorable afternoon, for sure. Want to see the makeup look I put together for the event? Here is a warm glam #FOTD featuring some beloved beauty items.

To create the makeup look above, I decided to reach for a handful of products from my collection that are much loved and much used. That included a handful of high end and drugstore items. Those products were:

  • The Emily Edit The Needs Palette. This is one of my absolute favourite beauty items ever. (Which you may know if you read my post about re-purchasing two additional The Needs palettes as backups. In case you missed it, you can check it out here.) From this palette, I used the bronzer to do a light contour, the powder to finish off my face, and a touch of the eyeshadow shade, Passion, along the lower lash line for that extra smokey effect. 
  • Tarte Tarteist Pro Remix Eyeshadow Palette. When it comes to choosing an eyeshadow palette for a makeup look, I tend to choose based on my mood. Sometimes, I have a particular palette in mind and other times, I browse through my collection until something feels right. This time? The Tarteist Pro Remix palette nabbed my attention. It was full of warm shimmery shades and an ultra pigmented black eyeshadow. I used Wall Art, a matte brown shade to define the crease, applied Sway, a shimmery pink colour in the inner corner and inner portion of the eyelid, Mic Drop, a warm bronze shade on the rest of the eyelid, and then Ink, a deep black to define the outer corner. Then it was a bit of Mic Drop underneath the lower lash line as well. 
  • Kylie Cosmetics Blush in We're Going Shopping.  One of the blushes I have been reaching for a lot lately comes from Kylie Cosmetics. This particular shade is a warm, wearable peach. It was included in the Kylie Cosmetics Holiday Set last year but despite its holiday theme, this is a wonderful all year round kind of blush shade. I added a little bit to the cheeks for a warm flush of colour.
  • Pixi + Dulce Candy Sweet Glow Palette. There are more than a handful of highlighting shades in my makeup collection. However, one palette that stands out to me is the Pixi + Dulce Candy collaboration. It has a lot of gorgeous, highly pigmented, glowing shades to choose from. However, for this #FOTD, I used Dulce, a warm shimmery highlight. It added just the right amount of glow to the face. Even though most of it ended up being covered by a face mask. Such is the new normal!
  • Annabelle Metallic Lip Liner in Nude Lustre. Finishing it all off was a lip liner in the shade Nude Lustre. This is one that I reach for time and time again. Most of the time, it is used to line the lips and is worn under something else. This time? It was my actual lip colour. I needed something that would last but wouldn't smudge underneath my mask. It was also important to have something comfortable. I applied the liner all over the lips, blotted with a tissue, and added lip balm as needed. It was an easy way to bring the whole look together. 

Though it was strange to do my makeup for an afternoon out and was fun putting together a warm and wearable #FOTD. Thankfully, there were a handful of beloved products in my collection I was able to reach for. I loved the shimmery eyeshadows and the easy to wear lip liner colour. It seemed well suited for a backyard bachelorette! All in all, I was happy with the way this makeup look turned out. Getting dressed up can be awfully exciting and it was nice to be reminded of that.

What do you think of this #FOTD? Have you tried any of these products?


  1. Oh yes I love High School Musical too, it reminds me on my childhood <3 :D I've seen those movies also so many times. Yes the weather was not so good but Berlin is a beautiful city no matter if there is sun or not :D Thanks =)

    Beautiful beauty favourites =) This palettes has so lovely colours, I love them. At the moment I love brown and purple eyeshadows on my eyes <3 =) I like your look a lot.

    1. It is a classic! I love it and all of the music. And thank you very much! Brown and purple shadows are always so gorgeous!

    2. Yes the music is really great =) You're welcome <3

      Thank you =) I like this Maybelline lipstick colour too <3 Thanks. Yes Pumpkin Spice is perfect for autumn <3 I love it so much.

    3. Ah there were another comment from you :D

      Yes it will be different but I will celebrate Halloween like the last years only at a friend's home with some friends. So it's like every year :D

  2. This is such a beautiful make up look. The eyeshadow really makes your eyes pop out. You look stunning.

  3. Boa tarde. Parabéns. Ficou muito linda. Como dizem no Brasil: arrasou.

  4. What a lovely sparkly makeup look! it was great you were able to go celebrate with your friends in a safe way :)

    Hope you are having a good week :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, it was nice to be able to do that. Scary but nice!

  5. Love this eye shadow so much! Beautiful makeup dear.
    Wonderful Post! Greetings of the day!

  6. This make up is really beautiful! You are doing it great!

    I started following you! Hope you also will visit my blog!

  7. I left the house a few times and at first it was unnerving for sure but it was nice to get out and feel more normal. You did an AMAZING job with this! Looks great! You should do a YT tutorial!

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Yes, absolutely! I think it is such a fine balance between wanting to stay safe and needing that sense of normality from time to time. Oh, thank you so much! That is so sweet <3

  8. You created a lovely look. Loved the products that you chose to use.

  9. Very beautiful makeup! I love these shades))

  10. Fall glittery makeup inspos are the best ❤ I can´t imagine living without the glitters on my eyes, haha.

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

    1. Agree! Anything shimmery and glittery is wonderful!

  11. her sparkling eyelid makeup is an inspiration. Love it
    Have a nice day
    Kinza Khushboo
    Glamorous without the Guilt


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