Tuesday, October 13, 2020

miley cyrus midnight sky inspired makeup look

It was love at first listen. Every now and again, a song manages to sweep me away. Suddenly, all of the stresses and strains of the day melt away and I am totally transfixed. That is what happened with the latest Miley Cyrus song, "Midnight Sky." I loved everything about it. The song. The message. The music video. The makeup. It is a true musical masterpiece! Something that stood out to me while watching the bold and colourful music video for this song was the unexpected makeup. The combination of purple and red was unusual in the best possible way. It added to the strong, no apologies vibe that the song offered. The glitter on the eyes was just the icing on the cake! Immediately, I knew that I wanted to recreate the look for myself. It had everything on my must-have list: lots of glitter and a bold lipstick shade. Want to see how it turned out? Find out which products were used? Here is my Miley Cyrus "Midnight Sky" inspired makeup look.

In order to recreate the "Midnight Sky" makeup look from the new Miley Cyrus music video, there were certain products that were essential. They included purple eyeshadow, glitter, and a bright red lipstick. As you can see from the picture above, it took six products in all to create. Those products included:

  • Urban Decay Naked Ultraviolet Eyeshadow Palette
  • Loose Purple Glitter
  • NYX Glitter Glue
  • Becca Lipstick in Hot Tamale 
  • Rom&nd Better Than Cheek Blush

Once all of the necessary products were pulled together, it was time to start creating. To begin, I applied my current foundation (lately, I have been loving the L'Oreal Pro Glow foundation) with a stippling brush, filled in my brows with the Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil, and used the bronzer from The Emily Edit - The Needs Palette to lightly contour the face. Once my base was finished, it was time for the fun stuff. I started by applying the purple shade Euphoric from the Urban Decay Naked Ultraviolet Eyeshadow Palette all over the lid. I really packed it on for maximum colour payoff. I also ran a small amount of the shame shade along the lower lash line. Then I used the darkest purple shade, Purple Dust through the crease using a dense pencil brush. When the eyeshadow was finished, it was time to add on the glitter. I dabbed the NYX Glitter Glue and used a dense brush to apply a gorgeous purple glitter from my glitter collection.

To finish off the eyes, I used a little bit of my Annabelle Kohl Eyeliner and a coat of mascara on the upper and lower lashes. On the apples of the cheeks, I applied the Rom&nd Better Than Cheek Blush, which is a gorgeous peachy blush shade. On the lips, I used the Becca Lipstick in Hot Tamale. This was from the Khloe + Malika collection, released early last year. (You can check out my full review of the collection here.) Though it was more of an orange-red than the deep red worn in Miley's video, I was still happy with the way the overall look turned out. The contrast of colours was really fun - and glitter always makes things better.

For this look, I made good use of the Urban Decay Naked Ultraviolet eyeshadow palette. If you've been curious about how it performs, be sure to check out my new YouTube video. It includes swatches and a demo!

Are you a fan of Miley Cyrus? What do you think of this makeup look?


  1. Very amazing makeup.


  2. Everytime your makeups are stunning, because also I remember your beginnings on Blogspot :)

    My Blog and Instagram

    1. Oh, thank you! That means so much. I really appreciate that you have supported this blog for so long. Thank you <3

  3. Love this look - so cute! The glitter is awesome :)
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

  4. Boa noite. Maquiagem linda e maravilhosa. Parabéns.

  5. It is exactly the same! Brava :))

  6. Im so in love with this song,and with your look as well!Great job dear,its amazing!

  7. Great post https://www.ludatischenko.com/

  8. Oh yes those shirts are really cute <3 I love them too. Olaf is also one my favourite Disney characters, he's so lovely *-*
    Thanks a lot =) Oh yes this advent calender is full with delicious food <3 :D

    I love Miley Cyrus a lot <3 Her new song is good as always and I like your inspired Make Up Look, perfect =)

    1. I agree! Her song is so so good! Thank you very much :)


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