Wednesday, October 21, 2020

review: eye woke up like this gold foil eye mask

Does your skin need a little TLC? Face masks are a quick and easy way to feel pampered. Every now and then, I like to set aside my to-do list and reach for a good mask. Those ten to fifteen minutes are the ultimate reset button. Not only does a face mask encourage me to stop and relax for a second but it also gives my skin a little extra care. Recently, I decided to try the Eye Woke Up Like This Gold Foil Eye Mask from sf. This eye mask had a whole list of promises...and I was eager to see if any of them were actually true. Since quarantine began way back in March, skin care is something that has been on my mind more than usual. So it only made sense to put this eye mask to the test. Find out how it looks and performs - and if it is worth trying.

When it comes to face masks, I have seen it all. That includes clay masks, peel off masks, sheet masks, and on and on the list goes. That being said, the Eye Woke Up Like This Gold Foil Eye Mask from sf. was a little bit different. As you can see from the photo above! These undereye mask are decorated with gold leopard print foil. How cute is that? As a lover of all things leopard print, this totally made me smile. These eye masks are adorable and definitely Instagram ready. So....what are the claims? According to the brand, these eye masks are vegan and claim to soothe, nourish, brighten, and tighten the skin. They are designed to tackle undereye puffiness, diminish the appearance of wrinkles, fine line, and dark circles, and refresh the delicate undereye area. Sounds pretty great, right? But does it actually live up to those claims? Sort of.

There is a lot to love here. First of all, the design is fantastic. Secondly, the scent is light, refreshing, and pleasant. It isn't too overpowering but it is still noticeable. Third, the product didn't cause any irritation whatsoever. It felt nice on the skin and was overall enjoyable to use. That being said....I can't say that this skin care product lived up to the claims. I saw no difference in my skin whatsoever. My undereye area wasn't brightened or tightened. There were still dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines. While it would be nice if an eye mask could reduce those issues in fifteen minutes, that just isn't overly realistic. (Which is why I dislike companies making these big and broad claims on their products. Be honest and realistic!) The eye mask did provide some added hydration to the skin, though. So at least there was that. It wasn't that the product wasn't nice. Using it was enjoyable and the design was great. However, when a product makes certain claims, I have to base my review on whether or not those claims were accurate. And in this case? They were dramatically overstated.

Looking for more skincare content? Then be sure to head over to my YouTube channel. My latest video compares the Biore Nose Strips to the Global Beauty Care Nose Strips. Find out how each one performs below:

All in all, the Eye Woke Up Like This Gold Foil Eye Mask from sf. was cute and added a fun dose of personality to my skin care routine. It didn't cause irritation, smelled good, and was pleasant to use. That being said, I didn't notice any reduction in undereye puffiness nor did this eye mask seem to brighten the undereye area. It certainly pampered but I am not positive it lived up to the claims. Perhaps it would require regular use to see those results.

Rating: 3 / 5

Have you tried this eye mask? What are your favourite skincare products?


  1. Replies
    1. It definitely has a cute design! Thank you for your comment :)

  2. For sure the packaging is very fashionable! For the results maybe you are right, need to make applications more often.

    1. Absolutely! Most skin care products don't show the dramatic results companies tend to claim. Especially not right away!

  3. I've always been intrigued by eye masks - that look so fun to try! :)
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

  4. I've never heard about this mask :)

  5. Amazing mask!! I think it is a good product! 

  6. I even don't know it before :D So I'm very happy that I saw this video and now I have a rope for my apartment too =) I'm with you.

    Great review =) I love masks especially for the eyes =) This one sounds pretty nice.

    1. Yes! It is such a brilliant idea. Thank you for posting about it because I think it is so smart. Thank you very much <3


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