Monday, October 5, 2020

top five favourite: fall perfumes

Two things I love? Fall and perfume. Now that the weather is getting chillier and the temperatures are starting to drop....there are certain fragrances that have been calling my name more than ever. Ones that are a little warmer and bolder. During the summer months, I tend to use light, fresh, and fruity kind of fragrances but when the fall season hits? It calls for something decidedly different. Though there are many different bottles of perfume in my collection (you can take a peek at my perfume collection here) five of them really stood out. So, here they are. These are my top five favourite fall perfumes.

When it comes to selecting the perfect fall fragrance, there are a few things to consider. Does the perfume have a warmth to it? It is on the musky side? Does it have spicy notes? All of the above are wonderful traits to keep in mind during this time of year. Not sure where to begin? Don't know which perfume will effortlessly compliment your next fall fashion look? That's okay. Here are five scents to inspire your next seasonal choice.

  • Hidden Fantasy by Britney Spears. The first perfume on this list of fall favourites is Hidden Fantasy. Though Britney Spears has a lot of fantastic fragrances to choose from, this particular scent has a special place in my heart. It reminds me of wonderful fall memories and birthday celebrations. The scent is warm, comforting, and the perfect fragrance to take you from daytime to-do lists to nighttime Netflix sessions.
  • Royal Revolution by Katy Perry. Next up is something equally warm but a little bit different. Royal Revolution is one of my favourite Katy Perry perfumes. (Can you tell that celebrity perfumes make me happy?) This particular perfume is delightfully warm but has lovely fruity notes incorporated as well. It is perfectly suited for a casual daytime stroll on a crisp autumn morning. Talk about special!
  • Gold by Kim Kardashian. I'll be honest. Gold isn't just one of my top five favourite fall perfumes. It is one of my favourite perfumes ever. This isn't something that I reach for on a regular basis. Instead, I like to save it for special occasions or days where I need a bit of a pick me up. Gold is spicy, strong, and in-your-face in the best possible way. It smells incredible and always gives me extra confidence. Those spicy notes are wonderful for fall.
  • Tease by Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton has many perfumes to choose from. One that stands out from the rest is Tease. This particular fragrance is both strong and sensual. It has lovely floral notes but still has a warmth to it. One word of advice? A little goes a long way. The scent is incredible but you don't need a lot of it. Tease lasts all day long. 
  • Still by Jennifer Lopez. Finishing the list is actually the first "grown up" perfume that ever entered my collection. It was given to me by my dad and it has been a special (and sentimental) part of my perfume collection ever since. This particular scent is warm and wearable. It would suit a number of occasions for fall. Whether that involves a little apple picking or simply enjoying a walk in a park, Still is a fabulous choice. 

Ready to take a better look at these fall fragrances? Now you can. The latest video on my YouTube channel is dedicated to these fabulous seasonal scents. 

Have you tried any of these perfumes? Do you have a favourite fall fragrance?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. I have never smelled these but the bottles are cool :-D

    1. They definitely are! Sometimes, I choose perfumes just based on the bottles!

  2. Bottles design loved it 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

    1. Yes! They are really pretty to look at! Thank you so much for your comment <3

  3. Oh my goodness - Hidden Fantasy is such a throwback for me! I remember my first perfume set was from Britney Spears. Every time I smell one of her perfumes I automatically think about middle/high school. :)
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Aww! That is lovely. It is always so wonderful how certain smells can transport us back to a specific time and place in our lives.

  4. have never smelled these , thanks for your great sharing.

  5. All these fragrances look lovely. I need to try them :)

  6. I loved Britney Spears' perfume Curious when I was in high school. 'Gotta try these new ones!


    1. Yes! Britney has so many fabulous fragrances to choose from!

  7. I haven't tried anyone of those parfums but they look good and their packagings are wonderful.Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice week!

    1. For sure! They are well worth trying! Thank you for stopping by :)

  8. Oh you have to see this movie, it's so good =) I love Harley Quinn a lot <3

    Nice perfumes =) I love the ones from Katy Perry =)

    1. I will definitely add it to my watch list! Yes, Katy Perry perfumes are always so so good!

  9. how cute! I love perfume bottles so much. I hardly wear any because I find it hard to, it can't get rid of the scent and it never works for me. I even try to go scentless care products

    1. Fair enough! I know a lot of people who prefer scentless products.

  10. Very interesting post and beautiful bottles.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, the bottles are so lovely!

  11. Boa noite. Que vontade de sentir a fragrância desses perfumes.

  12. I owned the original paris Hilton and Britney Spears, the scents were so nice. THe Bottles have definitely improved! The looks are so nice :)

    x Natalie
    Lucy and the Runaways - Blog and Instagram

    1. Yes, for sure! They used to be a lot simpler. Especially the Paris ones!

  13. Thanks for this list, Shannon:) I love perfumes and used to collect them. Not so much now, but I still love perfumes:) Really wanna try something from Paris Hilton because of your reviews! My all-time fave is Angel by Thierry Mugler...perfect for fall/winter:)

    1. I just love Paris Hilton perfumes. They are gorgeous! Ooh. I will have to try out Angel if it is a standout for you. Especially since you always like the nicest things!

  14. Wooow!Very interesting perfumes!

  15. Tommy by Tommy Hilfiger :)

    1. I would love to try that one! I have a Tommy Hilfiger perfume that smells so light and fresh. It would be nice to try some other ones :)

  16. To be honest - a perfume bottle shape is really important too to me ♥ Love your selection ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

    1. Absolutely! A gorgeous perfume bottle is always a welcome addition!


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