Monday, November 9, 2020

2 looks 1 palette: one/size visionary eyeshadow palette

One/Size is a relatively new makeup brand. It launched in mid-summer and has since released a small handful of products. One of those items is the Visionary Eyeshadow Palette. This isn't something that I was certain about at first, but I took the plunge. Thank goodness! This is an eyeshadow palette that has some seriously unexpected takes on neutral shades. Along with a bold blue shade to mix things up. (You can take a closer look at the palette and read my full review here.) Since I have been making good use of this eyeshadow palette only made sense to do a 2 looks 1 palette post dedicated to it. So, here goes! Two looks created using the One/Size Visionary Eyeshadow Palette.

Look #1: Simple Colourful Glam

The first look created with this One/Size Visionary Eyeshadow Palette is probably my favourite. It makes good use of that bold blue shade. (The palette is part of Patrick Starrr's makeup brand and even though it has lots of beautiful neutral colours, there is also that unexpected splash of colour.) To start, I blended Mango through the crease. Then I applied Manila Sands all over the lid. Using a small fluffy brush, I blended Blue Mon Dieu on the outer corner and carefully blended through the crease. I used a pencil brush to intensify the blue shade on that outer corner. Then I ran it underneath the lower lash line along with a little bit of Brownie. To finish off the eyes, it was a bit of Stila eyeliner and some Dior New Look mascara. On the cheeks, I used the blush from The Emily Edit The Needs palette and on the lips, it was a matte brown lipstick from Revolution. Overall, I was happy with the finished look. It was neutral makeup that incorporated colour in a really easy to wear kind of way. 

Look #2: Everyday Neutrals

Next up is an everyday matte makeup look. To create this particular look, I blended Taupe of My Game through the crease and a touch of Booked. Then it was Soft Serve all over the eyelid. To add that hint of drama, I took the shade Turban Legend (a soft black eyeshadow shade) and blended it through the crease. I wanted something that would add a little extra oomph but wouldn't be too overpowering. That same shade was blended along the lower lash line as well for a daytime smokey eyed look. Manila Sands was used underneath the brow bone and on the inner corner for a subtle contrast. Then it was that same Stila liner and Dior New Look mascara to finish off the eyes. I used the darkest shade from the  blush trio on the cheeks for some warmth and the Nude by Nature lip trio on the lips to finish off this everyday makeup look.  

Want to see another makeup look created with the One/Size Visionary Eyeshadow Palette? Be sure to check out the latest video on my YouTube channel, featuring a warm fall glam makeup look.

It has been a lot of fun to make use of the One/Size Visionary Eyeshadow Palette. Who said neutrals had to be dull or uninspired? This palette has reignited my love for neutral looks that offer a hint of glamour. They are suitable for daytime, nighttime, or any time you feel like creating something special. Though both makeup looks were a lot of fun to create....the first look is my personal favourite. It's nice to add a little colour to those neutral shades every now and then.

What do you think of these makeup looks? Have you tried anything from One/Size?


  1. Very beautiful makeup.

  2. My favorite is look #2. I'm #teamnudes ahah

  3. uhmm... hard to decide! I think I like the second more :))

  4. Boa tarde. Looks ficaram maravilhosos. Parabéns.

  5. Love both these looks, Shannon! Looking gorgeous as always:) And the warm fall one as well you featured on the vid:) I've never heard of this brand before, and this palette sounds/looks awesome! Thanks for the heads up.

    1. Aww thank you! Yes, the palette is really fabulous! Definitely worth looking into :)

  6. Love how different both of these looks are! It seems like a really versatile palette. I like both on you but think the first is my favourite - it's very pretty! :)

    Hope that you are having a wonderful week :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Absolutely! I love palettes where you can create a lot of different looks. Thank you so much!

  7. Both are amazing! Can't really decide which one I like more haha

  8. Love this! Wonderful eyeshadow! & so much more!

    1. For sure! The eyeshadow shades are really gorgeous.

  9. Love your makeup



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