Tuesday, November 3, 2020

clinique sample review + everyday makeup look

Honestly? Clinique makes me happy. Not only do they have a wide range of skin care products to choose from (even ones that are specifically designed for dry skin) but they have an awful lot of makeup items as well. Every now and then, Clinique will offer various samples with purchase. Since I was in need of a hand cream...this worked out well. This time? There were six samples and a colouful makeup bag included with the hand cream. On that note...if you're curious about the Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream, be sure to check out my review post from last week. Now? It is all about the samples. Find out which beauty samples performed well and which ones fell flat. 

Let's start with skin care. The ultra colourful sample bag included: All About Clean Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser, Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion, Moisture Surge Eye 96-Hour Hydro Filler Concentrate. Some of these products, I have used before. Others were brand new. The foaming cleanser is something that I have tried many times in the past and I absolutely love it. This works really well and is ultra gentle on the skin. I've never had any sort of reaction from it and it does a wonderful job of cleansing. This is a stand out! The moisturizing lotion is also a winner. It is lightweight and absorbs quickly but is still ultra nourishing. Both products have worked well in the past and continue to impress.

The new product for me was the Moisture Surge Eye 96-Hour Hydro Filler Concentrate. I love their Moisture Surge line of products (you can see some of those here) so this eye concentrate was certainly intriguing. According to the brand, this is a water-gel that adds crease-plumping hydration to the eye area for 96 hours. Does it work? Sort of. It definitely adds a lot of hydration to the under eye area and makes it look a lot better. That being said, it doesn't last for 96 hours and if you apply too much, it can be a little sticky or tacky on the skin. Less is definitely more! This is something I will continue to use. Whether I would purchase a full-sized version remains to be seen. For now, I am happy to add it to my daily skincare routine.

Now for the makeup items. In addition to that cute and colourful cosmetics bag, there was also the Clinique Pop Lip Colour + Primer in Plum Pop, High Impact Mascara in Black, and All About Shadow Duo 01 Like Mink. Something I really love? The fact that the lipstick is a colour and primer in one. It is also really comfortable and hydrating to wear. As much as I love a good matte shade from time to time....you can't beat a nourishing lip product. This lipstick applies smoothly and lasts well. Plus, the colour is gorgeous. As for the mascara? This is less thrilling. I've tried some Clinique mascaras in the past but they haven't really wowed. They work decently but they don't deliver the level of drama that I personally prefer. If you are someone that likes a really natural finish, this mascara might be a decent choice. It just doesn't suit my needs. 

Now for that little eyeshadow duo. Clinique has a lot of really lovely looking duos on their website, but they aren't something that ever crosses my mind to purchase. Probably because the shades are typically very basic. There are browns, simple neutrals, and occasionally some purples. I have all of those colours and then some! Despite those everyday colours…the formula is quite impressive. At least based on the duos I've tried. This one is in 01 Like Mink and includes a shimmery champagne shade and a darker glittery brown. The colours work well together, have a solid level of pigmentation, and blend nicely. This duo would be great to throw in a purse or reach for on days when you want a quick and easy makeup look. Speaking of quick and easy makeup looks! Here is a simple everyday makeup look that was created using the lipstick, eyeshadow shades, and mascara samples from Clinique.

Overall, these Clinique samples were a serious success. Not only was it nice to try out some new items...but it was wonderful to have extras of some old favourites as well. Testing out skin care and beauty products is always exciting. Especially when they come from a brand with such a stellar reputation. 

Are you a fan of Clinique? Have you tried any of these products?


  1. Your makeup looks fab. I haven't tried this brand before :-)

  2. I really love the start of the text!!! haha
    Clinic makes me happy too;P

    1. Haha, I am so glad! I hope you have a fabulous week!

  3. That is really wonderful =) The shirt is so cute.

    Great review, this Clinique products sounds good.
    I like your make up, perfect for autumn =)

    1. You're welcome =)

      Thank you =) Oh yes I love face jewels, they are perfect for festivals (ok not in this year :D) and New Year's Eve. Pretty cool =)

  4. This product makes me happy too! Awesome post!

    1. I am so glad! Clinique has a lot of wonderful items.

  5. Oh I really like the products the mascara effect is pretty
    thanks for share

  6. I love Clinique products :)

  7. A brand of absolute quality. I use face products from this brand a lot.

  8. Any make-up you propose looks great on you! :)

  9. Great post https://www.ludatischenko.com/


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