Saturday, November 21, 2020

five minute face feat. drugstore + high end products

There is nothing better than the luxury of time. Those moments when your schedule is clear and you have a significant portion of the day to do whatever you want. Sometimes, I spend moments like that writing or writing and other times, I spend moments like that creating a fabulous makeup look. Unfortunately, not all days allow for free time. In fact, most of them have been pretty full lately. So as much as I love spending as long as I want playing with my favourite beauty products...a quick five minute face is sometimes all that there is time for. Recently, I needed to pull together a makeup look that was quick, easy, and still a little glam. So I used some tried and true products and a small neutral palette that I hadn't reached for in a while. Ready to take a closer look at the items used? And see the results of that five minute face? Here is a super simple makeup look that included both drugstore and high end products. 

When it came to the products needed to pull together this quick and easy makeup look...I reached for a some drugstore products and some high end items.

  • Gingerbread Tan Spicy Bronzer from Too Faced
  • Gigi Hadid Eyeshadow Palette from Maybelline
  • We're Going Shopping Blush from Kylie Cosmetics
  • Kohl Eyeliner in Black from Annabelle Cosmetics
  • Mauvin' to Brazil Murumuru Butter Lipstick from Physicians Formula

Some of these products are everyday essentials for me. For instance, when it comes to bronzer, I either use the Gingerbread Tan bronzer from Too Faced (shown above), a bronzer from Annabelle, or the bronzer in The Emily Edit The Needs Palette. For eyeliner, the Annabelle Kohl eyeliner is something that I use day in and day out. That Kylie blush is a favourite because it compliments most makeup looks. The lip butters add a subtle splash of colour and are ultra hydrating on the lips. Plus, you don't need to be overly precise with the application...which makes it ideal for a 5 minute face type of look. The mascara admittedly isn't my favourite. But it to be! I suppose my tastes have changed over the years but I really prefer The Super Sizer from Cover Girl. that being said, I found a couple of unopened mascaras in a makeup drawer and they have been a part of my regular makeup routine since. Essentially, this particular makeup look consisted of a lot of products I was familiar with. 

Then there was the Gigi Hadid eyeshadow palette from Maybelline. This isn't something that I have used an awful lot. Mostly because it had some missed opportunities. But it seemed like a suitable fit for this super simple makeup look. I took the shade Summerland (deep gold) and applied it all over the lid. Then I blended it out with a bit of Paradise Cove (soft brown). Then it was Blondie (light gold) underneath the brow bone and in the inner corner. Underneath the lower lash line was Pacific Coast Highway (deep brown) and a little more Summerland. Then I applied a bit of eyeliner and a coat of mascara to finish off the eyes. I used a large fluffy brush to bronze the face and then an angled blush brush to add a subtle flush of colour with the Kylie Cosmetics blush. To finish it all off, I used that lip butter from Physicians Formula for a subtle colour and a bit of shine. 

Ready to see the finished look? It wasn't overly elaborate or over the top...but it was a warm and wearable makeup look that took very little time to pull together.

Though my preference leans towards ultra dramatic makeup looks, some days, time is of the essence. Thankfully, these drugstore and high end products allowed me to get ready fast! The end result was something simple, warm, and polished. 

Have you tried any of these products? What do you think of this makeup look?


  1. I never got my hands on the Gigi Hadid make up. It looks so pretty, thank you for sharing.

    Mari |

    1. There are definitely some nice everyday shades in there!

  2. Such a lovely look! That bronzer is so good on you and the eyeshadow is perfect as always! :)

    Hope you are having a great weekend :) We went out and did more Christmas shopping yesterday which was fun :)

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

    1. Aww thank you so much! That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm glad you were able to do that!

  3. Beautiful look. The products are wonderful.
    Have a nice day!

  4. Ahoj, moc pěkné líčení. Nejvíce mne zaujala řasenka a bronzer!! Krásnou neděli přeji. ☺
    Blog MonalisaBeautyEriAnna

  5. Love the look! the gingerbread bronzer packaging
    is super cute!!
    kisses sweetie :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  6. wow really? only 5 minutes? you looks stunning!

    1. Aww thank you! It's amazing how quickly you can get ready when you use products that you're familiar with!

  7. This kind of look never gets old! You look stunning xx

    lenne |

    1. Thank you! Some looks are definitely simple and classic!

  8. Very interesting article! The pictures are great too! Have a great week! 🍂🌾🍁

  9. Great post

  10. I'm big on drugstore makeup so I need to look for that Maybelline palette!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. I absolutely love drugstore makeup! It works so so well!

  11. Yes, the shades are really beautiful!

  12. I love easy and fast makeup inspirations! They are the best! ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

    1. It is always handy to have a few quick and easy looks ready to go!


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