Wednesday, November 11, 2020

harry potter hufflepuff candle (charmed aroma: review + reveal)

Are you a Harry Potter fan? The books and movies have been a part of my life for years and years. I still vividly remember attending book release parties and midnight screenings. Oh, youth! Even though I am older (and possibly wiser)…Harry Potter is still a significant part of my life. I love to re-read the books every once and a while and the movies always make me smile. Plus, I have the Monster Book of Monsters and a replica wand on display in my home office. Needless to say, Harry Potter is something I never outgrew. Which explains my more recent purchase from Charmed Aroma. It is a Hufflepuff themed candle with a necklace inside. Now, this isn't my first time purchasing a Harry Potter themed item from the brand. Their cauldron candle revealed a sparkly potion bottle ring that I reviewed here. Want to find out what was inside the Hufflepuff candle? Keep reading for a Charmed Aroma review and reveal. 

Unlike the cauldron candle from last time (which had adorable packaging) this is a little more expected. It is a two-wick candle in a basic round glass container. It is similar in shape and design to a lot of other Charmed Aroma and Leyland & Bodyworks candles. This isn't necessarily a bad thing! However, I did really appreciate the creativity of the previous Harry Potter release. With this specific collection, there was a candle that represented each house. Being a Hufflepuff, it only made sense that I would take home that specific design home. It has a simple gold lid and a vibrant yellow design with the house crest in the center. The scent itself is sweet with a dash of citrus. According to the brand website, the candle contains orange zest, soft peach, and golden amber. The end result is something fresh and oh-so-sweet. 

As for the burn time? It keeps going and going and going. Even though I have used this candle many times, an awful lot remains. This is a good thing. Especially because the foil packet containing my Hufflepuff necklace was right at the top. I was able to pull it out with a pair of tweezers after only a few hours. (Sometimes, those things are really buried down deep and it takes forever to uncover them!) Now that the necklace has been removed, the candle is simply a sweet and fresh pick-me-up. 

There were five possible necklace designs inside. Though I liked all of them to varying degrees, there was one specific design that I was hoping for. The options included: the Hufflepuff badger, the Sorting Hat, Hogwarts crest, a necklace that said Hufflepuff, and a tie with yellow jewels. Which one was I hoping for? The Sorting Hat, of course! What did I think I would end up with? Either the Hufflepuff tie or the necklace that said Hufflepuff. Both were nice, but they seemed a little more standard than some of the other offerings. My heart pounded when I lifted that foil packet out of the wax. 

The Sorting Hat! Can you believe it? I certainly couldn't. Though I have been very happy with my Charmed Aroma rings, earrings, and necklaces in the past...this was the first time that I had actually revealed the item my heart longed for most. It was an extremely thrilling moment. The necklace has a thin silver chain and there is a small yellow stone (yellow to represent the Hufflepuff colour) in the middle. And then of course, you have the Sorting Hat. It is fairly heavy and looks absolutely incredible. There is a surprising amount of detail in the shape and the face. This is certainly something my accessory collection had been missing. Thank goodness for a healthy dose of Harry Potter! After unveiling the necklace, I headed to the Charmed Aroma appraisal page to see what the value was. The Hufflepuff Candle cost about $45 CDN and the Sorting Hat necklace was appraised for $80. All in all, that is pretty impressive. 

This Charmed Aroma experience was definitely a positive one. Not only did the candle smell wonderful but the reveal was thrilling. It was so exciting to unwrap the Sorting Hat necklace. This piece is something that I plan to wear over and over again. 

Are you a fan of Harry Potter? What do you think of the necklace?


  1. I love Harry Potter items 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. I don't know much about Harry Potter..not read or seen any films! I like the ideas of the charms in the candles :-D

    1. Oh wow. Really? Well, it is certainly worth reading and watching! Yes, these candles are so fabulous.

  3. Yes, I'm a harry potter fan and I haven't heard about those candles. They are wonderful. Thansk for sharing. Have a nice day!

    1. Excellent! Harry Potter is so fantastic! I hope you have a great day as well :)

  4. I need such candle in Ravenclaw and Slytherin for my sis as a present. what an idea!

  5. Thanks a lot =) And thanks for your lovely words =)

    Great post, this Harry Potter candle sounds really nice. And it's so funny I'm watching "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" right now, it's on free TV today.

    1. Are you? That is wonderful! I hope you enjoyed the movie!

  6. Oh my this candle would make a great gift for my sister. She LOVES Harry Potter. There are only two things besides the news that my sister watches: Friends and Harry Potter.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Ha! Your sister has pretty good taste! Harry Potter and Friends are fantastic.

  7. So fun! I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan but I LOVE a good candle.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  8. My daughter loves harry potter and this necklace is so cute.

    1. That is wonderful! Yes, I was really happy with the necklace inside!


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