Sunday, November 15, 2020

my favourite fall palettes + current favourites video

Eyeshadow palettes always excite. Even a not-so-great palette is exciting to test and try. Though there are plenty of makeup must-haves and everyday essentials...eyeshadow is the fun stuff. It is like the sprinkles on top of a perfectly iced birthday cake! Over the years, I have tried many eyeshadow palettes. Some have been incredible and others totally fell flat. Thankfully, there have been more hits than misses. Especially when it comes to those warm, fall inspired colours. Now that the season is fully underway, it is time to shine a light on a few of my favourite fall palettes. 

Two of my favourite fall eyeshadow palettes come from the drugstore. They are affordable, nicely pigmented, and downright fabulous. The first is the Cover Girl TruNaked Goldens palette. It has a wonderful selection of shades, ranging from light to dark. There is a champagne shade, a warm gold, rich greens, and a chocolate brown. Most of these colours work well for one-shadow looks but can also be combined to create something totally perfect for fall. The second eyeshadow palette is the Total Temptations Shadow + Highlight Palette from Maybelline. (Take a peek at my original review of that palette here.) Why is this set a favourite? There is so much variety! It includes matte shades, shimmer, and glitter. One side of the palette is warm and wearable for everyday. The other side has a dusty rose shade and a matte black to create more glamorous looks. The two highlights in the center of the palette are an added bonus that adds a lot of versatility to the palette.

The next two favourite fall eyeshadow palettes are high end items. They feature easy-to-wear shades with lots of warmth and shimmer. First is the Master Palette by Mario from Anastasia Beverly Hills. This isn't just a fall favourite. It is my all-time favourite eyeshadow palette. Ever. I've even hit pan on a few shades (which is extremely rare due to the fact that I have a ton of eyeshadow palettes in my makeup collection). Each and every one of the colours is fabulous for fall. They are warm and effortlessly easy to wear. They also blend like a dream and last all day. Another high end fall favourite is the Desert Dust Palette from Huda Beauty. There are matte, shimmer, and glitter shades to choose from. I especially love the shimmer formula in this palette and often find myself reaching for those gorgeous burgundy shades, like Royal and Turkish Delight. 

When it comes to fall eyeshadow palettes....these are some of my personal favourites. I love that both drugstore and high end brands have plenty to choose from. Looking for even more favourites? Then be sure to check out my latest YouTube video featuring some of my current favourites for the month of November.

Certain eyeshadow palettes stand out for all the right reasons. It is always thrilling to create a look that is warm, easy to wear, and embraces the wonder and beauty of the fall season. 

Do you have a favourite fall eyeshadow palette? 


  1. Nice review! Thank you very much your entry!

  2. That goldens palette looks so lovely! x

    Mari //

    1. It really is! Lots of gorgeous colours to choose from!

  3. These are nice colour palettes. I like these colours for eyes but no as polishes so much!

    1. That definitely makes sense! Those warmer colours are certainly well suited for the eyes!

  4. The Goldens looks right up my alley, I always seem to go with bronze shades!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  5. Boa noite. Tudo muito lindo, colorido e maravilhoso. Parabéns.

  6. I loveee AB palettes, they are the best for me so far :D

  7. Yes my week was very productive again :D Thank you. Oh yes I loved boy bands a lot, the music was perfect for dancing and singing =)

    Great palettes, I like this colours =) Especially the Huda Beauty would be perfect for me <3

    1. Oh gosh, me too! I love boy bands! Yes, the Huda Beauty palette is fabulous!

  8. These beautiful palettes! My absolute favorite is always the Naked UD.

    1. Ooh excellent choice! That is such a gorgeous palette.

  9. Thanks for the heads up about the Cover Girl palette. I've always loved the CG line and it's probably my fave drug store brand but have not bought any makeup for awhile. I'll look for this when I go to Shoppers next time:) And I also heard so many great things about the Mario palette:)
    PS Thanks for the sharing your fall fave vid:) I love your Adidas sweater:)

    1. Agree! Cover Girl has so many fabulous products. I feel like a lot of people use them but they don't get talked about as much. Thank you <3

  10. I love the Huda Beauty <3

  11. Fantastic colors I love them ☺️


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