Sunday, November 1, 2020

one/size visionary eyeshadow palette (review + swatches)

Honestly? I wasn't sure about One/Size. At first, it was exciting to hear that Patrick Starrr had started his own makeup line. After all, I've been watching his channel for quite a while and have one of his collections with Mac in my makeup collection. (Take a peek at that review and makeup look here.) Part of me really wanted to support the brand. The other part of me wasn't totally sure about the first round of releases. One/Size initially introduced makeup wipes and a makeup removing spray. Not exactly thrilling. Shortly after, they announced additional products, like eyeliners and liquid eyeshadows. Though those items looked nice enough.... I still wasn't sold. Then the eyeshadow palette launched. I saw photos of it online and was a little underwhelmed. A neutral palette with a pop of blue. Eh! It wasn't until Patrick Starrr posted a YouTube video with live swatches from the Visionary Eyeshadow Palette that I began to change my mind. The colours appeared to be a little more unique when swatched. There was something about it that made me wonder. Could this be a different take on a neutrals palette? Would it be a noteworthy addition to my day-to-day routine? Get ready to find out. Here is everything you need to know about the One/Size Visionary Eyeshadow Palette. 

Review: One/Size Visionary Eyeshadow Palette

One/Size had a somewhat lackluster first round of products. Thankfully, the Visionary Eyeshadow Palette was released shortly after. As I mentioned, at first, I really wasn't sure. After all, there are an awful lot of neutral eyeshadow trios, quads, and palettes sitting in my beauty room already. Another one seemed unnecessary. After watching Patrick Starrr share live swatches on his YouTube channel, my curiosity grew. So when it came time to visit Sephora and add the Visionary Eyeshadow Palette to my collection....I took the chance. Thankfully, it paid off. This is a wonderful eyeshadow palette that performs well and has a few unexpected takes on traditional neutral shades. 

First thing is first. Let's talk about the packaging. As you can see from the first photo in the post, the design of the palette is slightly off and there is overhang on one side. At first, I thought my palette was broken! But actually, it is a clever design feature. That overhang makes it super simple to open the palette. Though it certainly takes some getting used to, that design choice has actually made my life a whole lot easier. Inside there is a mirror on the top and then the shadows come in fairly standard round pans. Speaking of those can see the colour selection above covers a lot of bases. There are light, medium, and dark shades along with that bold pop of colour. At first glance, the colours don't look all that unusual. However, upon closer inspection, there are a some really stunning shades that you don't necessarily see in the standard neutral eyeshadow palette. Take Suede Charm, Mango, and Matcha as a few examples.

The swatches above show that there really are some unusual neutrals in here. There is also a wonderful variety of matte and shimmer shades. As for the formula, it is quite impressive. The matte shades don't feel dry and they have a surprising amount of color payoff. (Sometimes I need to use a very light hand during application.) They blend well and look beautiful. When it comes to the shimmer shades, they are incredible. Each one is smooth and stunning. They are perfect for those quick and easy one shadow looks. There are only a couple of so-so shades. The first is that black eyeshadow. It isn't an overly intense matte black. It performs well enough but it isn't ultra rich. The gold glitter shade is another meh moment. While the shimmers are smooth and vibrant, Titleholder feels drier and doesn't have as much of an impact. 

There is a lot to love here. With a unique spin on neutrals, a blend of matte and shimmer shadows, and a user-friendly design...One/Size has me intrigued. Though I still don't think I will be running out for any of their makeup wipes or eyeliners, the Visionary Eyeshadow Palette has been bringing a lot of fabulousness to my life lately. Ready to see it in action? Here is a makeup look created using this high-end palette....

Want to take a closer look at the Visionary Eyeshadow Palette from One/Size? Be sure to check out my YouTube channel for a full review and swatches. And be sure to subscribe for more beauty-related content.

All in all, this is an eyeshadow palette that I would highly recommend. Even though it is a neutral palette that is suitable for everyday is anything but ordinary. These shades are unique, interesting, and versatile. They can be dressed down or used to create an over the top (and ultra glamorous) makeup look. Lately, the Visionary Eyeshadow Palette has been getting an awful lot of use in my collection. It is warm, wearable, and just a little bit different. 

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Have you tried anything from One/Size? What do you think of the Visionary Eyeshadow Palette?


  1. Everything looking very nice! Thanks for sharing! 🍁🍂🌾

  2. They look so beautiful in the swatches and I love the look you created with them! it's good you are so pleased with it after giving this palette a try! :)

    Hope that you had a nice weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you so much! I did have a good weekend. I hope yours was fabulous as well :)

  3. wow the shades look perfecct! never heard of this brand but seems like a good buy!
    Melissa Hartford | lifestyle & fashion blogger

    1. It really was! It's a newer brand so this is the only thing I've tried from them so far.

  4. great choice of colors! It looks like a great investment for a person like me

  5. Gorgeous colour and love your eyes :-D

  6. Great post


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