Monday, November 23, 2020

pur x barbie collection (mini haul + review)

Barbie has always been a part of my life. Believe it or not, my very first word was "Barbie." Not mom or dad....Barbie. I guess I have always had good taste! There has always been something about this iconic doll. She could do absolutely anything she set her mind to. Barbie could be a veterinarian, teacher, astronaut, singer, artist. You name it, she could do it. Growing up, I loved everything about her. I loved her positive attitude in the commercials and cartoons. I loved her fabulous sense of style. I loved that she seemed to be able to take on the world! To me, Barbie represented confidence, intelligence, and poise. That's the magical thing about Barbie. She can mean so many different things to so many different people. So, when I was given a few items from the Pur x Barbie collection for my birthday last month, it was beyond exciting. Everything was pink, sparkly, and fabulous. Ready to find out more? Here is a mini haul and review of the items.

Confident Glow Signature Illuminating Highlighter. The first item given to me was this gorgeous highlighter. The outer packaging is pink with lots and lots of glitter. Totally Barbie inspired! Inside, there is a dazzling pattern with a Barbie silhouette. The highlight itself is absolutely stunning. It immediately became one of my all-time favourites. The shade is warm, glittery, and adds a fabulous glow to the skin. This is certainly not intended for someone that likes to add a subtle glow. The Illuminating Highlighter is bold and adds a ton of shimmer and shine. It is something that I have been loving lately. This will definitely come in handy as the holiday season comes closer. 

Endless Possibilities II Signature 15-Piece Eyeshadow Palette. Next up is this Barbie inspired eyeshadow palette. The packaging is also pink and sparkly. Definitely winter inspired! There is a nice mixture of matte and glitter shades here and the colours are well suited to this time of year. This is a really beautiful palette and there are some shades in here that I reach for often. However, I do with the colours were a little more classic Barbie. Pinks, light blues, and something a little more fun would have been nice. While the packaging screams Barbie...the actual shade selection is a little muted. They are definitely colours that fit into my day-to-day life well. It just would've been nice to see some of those classic Barbie shades included as well. All in all, this is a lovely palette for the fall and winter months.

Brush 'n Sparkle Signature 5-Piece Brush Set with Bag. When it comes to makeup tools, there are some that I reach for day in and day out. Others, every now and again. And well, some brushes are for display only. This brush set and holder definitely falls into the latter category. These brushes are absolutely stunning! They have a metallic pink hand, a sparkly bow, gold ferrule, and super soft bristles. There are two eyeshadow brushes, an angled brush, a tapered fluffy brush, and a large powder brush. As for the holder, it has that same pink pattern that the rest of the collection has. It is gorgeous and would be perfect for travel. 


These items are beautiful. Plus, anything Barbie themed is fabulous, in my opinion! It was such a treat to be given these Pur x Barbie products for my birthday. They have been a wonderful addition to my beauty room. Not only do they look gorgeous but the products perform well. That highlight in particular is an absolute must-have. 

Have you tried anything from the Pur x Barbie makeup collection?


  1. Everything looks so wonderful! 

  2. Boa tarde. Este estojo de maquiagem fará muito sucesso aqui no Brasil.

  3. That is toooooo cute that your first word was Barbie:) I loved Barbies growing up too, although I think I only had one that I really treasured. Anyhoo, all these look soooo amazing. The packaging, esp. those brushes, are just fab and so on brand. Thanks so much for the heads up:) You look fab in the vid as always.
    PS Hope you are keeping safe as well. Fingers crossed our lockdown does not go longer than 28 days!

    1. It is so special that you had one Barbie doll that you treasured! Those are the sorts of things that make childhood magical. I am definitely doing my best to stay safe. I sure hope the lockdown helps things!

  4. I use to have the Barbie townhouse who didn't love Barbie as a kid. Loving the packaging on this too. I have a Hello Kitty bag from PINKO, got to love those childhood memories!

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. That is so awesome! Definitely a fabulous childhood memory!

  5. OMG that is amazing that Barbie was your first word. Donno what mine was. But my daughter, who still can't talk - just a few words, was cat! I love cats haha.

    That is amazing makeup and nice in the vid, also loving the nails in the vid :-D

    1. You should totally find out what your first word was! I'd love to know! Haha, cat is a good one!

  6. I love the review and packaging!

  7. OMG! I love these, I'm not so much into makeup, but I 'gotta have the brushes! So pretty!


  8. I`m a big fan of barbie too, so I have to try them! Thanks for sharing.


  9. Brushes looks very nice and i love that eyeshades palette .
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. For sure! I love the brush design. It is really cute!

  10. Oh yes everything is really cute =) I love that glitter hourglass, it looks like from a Disney movie <3 :D

    Great haul. This Barbie collection looks beautiful. I want the brushes *-* Perfect for a princess :D

    1. That is totally what I thought of when I saw it! Very Disney movie! Thank you so much <3

  11. Omg! I love them all! Btw, your voice is sooo calming haha :)

    1. Oh! Ha! Well, thank you very much! I'm glad you think so!

  12. Awwww what a cute collection, Barbie was my favorite childhood toy. Lovely sweatshirt dear!


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