Wednesday, November 25, 2020

review: infiniti premier conair hair dryer

In the middle of blow drying my hair....poof! My beloved Kardashian Beauty hair dryer stopped working. This was upsetting for a few reasons. Partly because half of my hair was still wet and partly because I really loved that hair dryer. It was something I had used for the last five years or so. Then suddenly, it was time to say so long. When it came to choosing a replacement, I was totally clueless. What did I need? What did I want? How much was I willing to spend? In the end, it was the Infiniti Premier hair dryer by Conair that entered my life. Keep reading to find out what the features are and how the hair dryer performed.

The hair dryer is mostly black with a holographic inspired design on one end. It adds a subtle but fun splash of colour. There are also two attachments: a concentrator and a diffuser. I always love when extra attachments come with a hair dryer. It adds a lot more versatility to the product. There are some other features as well. According to the brand, the Infiniti Premier hair dryer has an AC motor to allow for faster drying, ceramic and iconic technology for smooth and shiny hair without causing damage, 3 heat and 2 speed settings, a cold shot button, and a removable filter. 

So, those are the features...but how does it actually perform? I have to say this impressed me. The different heat and speed settings made such a huge difference. My hair dried much faster than usual. I have really thick hair (especially now, since I haven't had a haircut in ages, thanks to the pandemic) so blow drying my hair is always a laborious task. This Conair hair dryer really works and I love the various settings. It means that whether you have thin or thick hair, your dry time will be short and sweet. I also noticed that my hair was much smoother after blow drying. All in all, this product really delivers. It has all of the necessary attachments, works effectively, and wasn't overly expensive. 

Though I am still mourning the loss of my Kardashian Beauty hair dryer...this is a pretty fantastic replacement. It has made the process of blow drying my thick hair so much easier. It is definitely a welcome addition to my beauty routine.

Have you tried the Infiniti Premier from Conair? What hair dryer do you use?


  1. I'm not satisfied with my blow dryer lately.
    I use a Rowenta branded product, did'nt heard the brand... Thanks for your sharing :)

    1. Definitely time to look into some new options! Maybe a holiday gift for yourself :)

  2. Really nice.
    Thanks for your visit on my blog.


  3. A good blow dryer is essential. I use a CHI most days. Have not tried this one. <3

    1. I totally agree with you! I hope the CHI one is good!

  4. Great review product.

  5. Oh man should I admit that I have had the same hairdryer for a long time?? Possibly 15 years :-O I don't often dry my hair after washing though! And I recently found my travel one from mid 90s that still works too!

    1. That's a good thing! It means you bought something high quality that lasts! More products should be that way.

  6. Very interesting article! Have a great evening! 🌾🍁🍂

  7. Perfect review, This hair dryer looks great!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  8. Yes this mask is really funny but yes this is really bad =( Because I love strawberries.

    Great review =) This sounds pretty well.

  9. It has such an elegant design, at the moment I am without a hair dryer, the last one I have also failed, it is time to go in search of a new one.

    1. It is definitely really important to have a good one but it can be tricky to find the right design!

  10. We can also not live without hair dryer. I have always a second one at home ☺️


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