Tuesday, November 17, 2020

too faced: salted caramel eyeshadow palette (review)

Whoever said, "Good things come in small packages," must have been talking about the new Too Faced Salted Caramel eyeshadow palette. This limited edition mini-palette has it all. Fabulous scent? Check. Gorgeous colours? Check. Stellar formula? Check. Once again, Too Faced has managed to effortlessly blend fun and fabulousness together. If you've been curious about this salty and sweet 8-pan eyeshadow palette, keep reading for a full review, swatches, and a makeup look.

It is no secret that Too Faced is my favourite high end makeup brand. I love their sense of whimsy, creativity, and of course, those beautiful colour stories. (No wonder there was an entire theme week dedicated to their products here on Mansa Fashion.) There is a lot to like about their newer release, the Too Faced Salted Caramel Eyeshadow Palette. For starters, the size and packaging. This is teeny tiny...but in a good way. It is small and sturdy enough to toss into a purse or take with you during travel but still offers an impressive amount of variety. The packaging itself is metal with raised lettering on the top, a magnetic closure, and there is even a mirror inside. It is similar in style to the Totally Cute palette that was released a few years back. The metal case makes this palette ultra durable and easy to clean. 

As you can see, this palette is all about those warm shades. There is a nice mixture of shimmer and matte, lighter shades for blending, and a deeper shade to add extra depth. I love that even in a tiny eyeshadow palette...there is still a lot of versatility. There are many different looks that could be created using this mini set. Too Faced describes this as a "richly-seductive, salted caramel-scented palette of warm, buttery neutrals that will have you feeling like a sweet treat." I have to say the description is accurate. These warm neutrals are absolutely stunning. The formula is buttery smooth (especially with those shimmers) and the pigmentation level is impressive. 

What about the scent? Some people are not into scented makeup, skin, or beauty items. Personally? As long as it smells good...I love it. Too Faced often has scented products (like their gingerbread scented bronzer that I use every single day) and the great thing about them is that they smell lovely in the pan but the scent doesn't transfer. You won't go around smelling like salted caramel all day or anything like that. It is just a bit of fun and an exciting detail to enjoy.

There are so many beautiful shades to choose from in this Too Faced Salted Caramel palette. Here is a recent makeup look that I created using a few of my favourites.

To create the look, I applied Drizzle It with a large fluffy brush through the crease. Then I blended out with Oooey Gooey. Then it was a bit of Butter Me Up all over the lid and Make Me Melt on the outer corner. Along the lower lash line was Caramel Apple and Make Me Melt. Then a bit of eyeliner and mascara to finish off the eyes. I used a Kylie Cosmetics blush on the cheeks and a Hard Candy Velvet Mousse lipstick on the lips. The end result was quick, easy, and a little bit glam.

All in all, this small palette packs an awful lot of punch. The colours are beautiful, the scent is fabulous, and the theme is everything. Once again, Too Faced has managed to impress.

Rating: 5 / 5

Have you tried the Too Faced Salted Caramel eyeshadow palette? What did you think of it?


  1. Bellissimi questi colori!Ti stanno anche bene =)

  2. Beautiful palette colors and makeup.


  3. Love the colours of this palette!


  4. Thank you very much =) Oh yes this Christmas leggings is really cute, I love it.

    I love Salted Caramel a lot, so I would buy a palette with this name too :D The colours a really beautiful and I like your look a lot.

  5. Cool review! Thank you very much!

  6. This palette looks delicious... LOL!
    I love your makeup!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  7. I saw it on sephora and it really caught my eye,
    nice to see you have reviewed it! it's such a beautiful
    palette! kisses :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Yes, it is so pretty and definitely a lot of fun to use.

  8. i love those shades. And you are genius in eye makeup!!
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

  9. This palette is beautiful and looks so so yummy! The shades are amazing, especially love the deep purple and gold. I can only imagine how good it smells.

    Thanks for sharing

    Loren | plaidandsugar.com

  10. Oh these are gorgeous colours :-D


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