Friday, December 25, 2020

christmas advent - day twelve

Merry Christmas! Wishing you and your loved ones all the very best. This year hasn't been the easiest, but at least there was always plenty of love to go around. That is especially true today. Here is hoping that however you celebrate (and whoever you are able to celebrate with) that your day is filled with blessings and hope. On another note! Today is the last day in the Christmas advent that has been happening here on Mansa Fashion. recently. (In case you missed those posts, be sure to check out day one here.) This question is of course, about Christmas favourites.

What Is Your Favourite Thing About Christmas?

This is a tough one. Mostly because it is all of the little things about the holiday season that make it such a special time. Like the familiar sounds of a Christmas carol or a scent that reminds you of Christmases past. Like the sound of bells jingling or the anticipation you feel as you wait for someone you love to open a carefully selected gift. Like the warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach or the traditions that represent family and friends. It is all of those small moments that make up the magic of Christmas. It's that indescribable feeling that makes life seem perfect for a moment or two. It is the enduring sense of hope. It is love. favourite thing about Christmas is everything. 

Just a brief reminder that this is the start of my annual week long blogging break. I will be back posting here on Mansa Fashion. on New Years Day. So until then...Merry Christmas. Wishing you all the very best.

What about you? What is your favourite thing about Christmas?


  1. Its very hard to select a single thing... I just love everything about Christmas :-)
    Beauty and Fashion/Rampdiary/Glamansion

  2. It was lovely to read through, darling 🎄 💝

    I love on Christmas that I am blessed to have all my beloved ones around me.

    Merry Christmas 🎄 💝

    Shades of Silvie

  3. Merry Cristmas

  4. Merry Christmas Shannon. Hope you had a great one! I was so tired yesterday missed blogging!

    Giving present and buying presents for people :-D

  5. My favourite thing about Christmas is the feeling of hope and joy there is everywhere, the lights in the streets and of course.. The sweets!
    I hope you're having a beautiful Christmas with your loved ones ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Yes! I completely agree with you on that. Once it is all over, I always miss that sense of hope and joy that December brings.

  6. I agree with you, the small moments make Christmas
    such a special season!
    hope you are enjoying this holidays! kisses!

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. It really is a wonderful time! I hope you had a fantastic holiday!

  7. My favourite thing about christmas is the positive vibes around and HOT CHOCOLATE :D
    I also love decorating my Christmas tree each year.

    Maybe you have time to read my new blog post 11 Things to do for a Dream Wedding Under Budget  
    Let me know your thoughts


    1. I totally agree! You can never go wrong with a little hot chocolate. I hope you had a wonderful holiday <3

  8. Merry Christmas <3

  9. I agree - there are so many things to love about Christmas, it is hard to pick a favourite! :)

    Hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and you are enjoying this relaxing time between Christmas and new year :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you are doing well and had a wonderful holiday!

  10. We are waiting for Santa. I wish you a very happy and healthy year ❤️

  11. I hope you have a wonderful New Year <3


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