Tuesday, January 4, 2022

holiday wrap up: festive photos and seasonal highlights

Just as quickly as the holiday season arrived...it ended. This is such a bittersweet time of year! On one hand, there is so much to be thankful for. The start of a new year is always a little bit exciting, after all. On the other hand, it is hard to say goodbye to all of the Christmas festivities. There are no more advent calendars to open each morning and there are no more Christmas songs on the radio. It leaves me wishing that I could redo the month of December and experience all of the magic one more time. I suppose that is the reason for all of the holiday wrap up posts that will be featured on Mansa Fashion. over the next little while. This is truly the perfect opportunity to look back on all of those wonderful seasonal moments. Today, I will be sharing some festive photos and seasonal highlights. Here is hoping my holiday highlights remind you of your own.

Pre-Christmas Festivities and Holiday Lights. The first batch of photos shown were taken during the month of December. There were so many wonderful moments to capture! Like a fresh poinsettia brought home by my husband, lots of fun advent calendars, and cute seasonal accessories. There were also beautiful holiday lights. Each year, one neighborhood that is not too far away, decorates all of the houses in a spectacular fashion. It has become a tradition, where my husband drives us out to see the incredible light displays ahead of the holiday season. I love seeing the lights almost as much as I love being able to spend that time together. There was also peppermint hot chocolate involved, so that was a fun seasonal bonus. 

Christmas Eve Baking and Holiday Makeup. One holiday tradition that always takes place on Christmas Eve is baking with my mom. We make lots of cookies, rice krispies treats, make cupcakes, and decorate a gingerbread house. I tried to take lots of photos to remember how all of those delicious goodies turned out. I also tried to make my Christmas Eve makeup sparkly and festive. My mom and I also watched "Christmas With the Kranks" on Christmas Eve. It was a busy but wonderful day.

Christmas Day Decorations and Magical Moments. I always love Christmas decorations...but they look even more beautiful on Christmas Day. All of the lights and the sounds make the world seem almost perfect. Just for a little while. I took some pictures of the decorations in my home as well as my parents home. Why? I like to look back at all of the holiday photos throughout the year. It makes me remember what a special celebration there was.

I am missing the holiday magic, but at least there are photographs I can look back on. They never fail to make me smile!

How are you remembering the holiday season? Did you have any highlights?


  1. Oh very cute photos darling
    Happy New Year 2022

  2. I hope you enjoyed! In Spain we keep celebrating until Jan 6th, so we still have a couple of days left :)
    Have a wonderful 2022!

    1. Oh, how wonderful! I hope you enjoy the last few days of the holiday season!

  3. Thanks for the beautiful post!

    Happy New Year!

  4. They look delicious!

  5. I'm really happy to get so many products from Gehwol in the year =) Yeah they are really useful.

    Nice wrap up =) Looks like your holidays were really nice. I love cookies and hot drinks in winter <3 All the lights are so pretty. And I like your look a lot, it's so cute <3

    1. Thank you! Yes, the holidays were really wonderful :D

    2. You're welcome =) That's nice to hear.

      This mask is really nice =) Fruity scents are the best. You have to try Garnier face masks, they're so good.

  6. I hope you had great holidays! I also have some highlights to share! I also feel a bit sad when the festive season is over, but let's say that, since my son was born, on 20th January, the whole month of january is still festive for me :-)
    Thank you lovely for always being so kind and leaving me lovely comments on my blog! xo from Croatia! www.soniaverardo.com

    1. Thank you so much! I can't wait to see some of your highlights. I am so glad you get to enjoy this wonderful festive month :D

  7. These are lovely photos to look back on! I agree, Christmas always seems to be over so quickly! We make lots of cookies too so we still have tasty festive snacks to enjoy in January! :) And it's always sad to pack the decorations away!

    Hope that the first week of 2022 is going well for you :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Yes, it so nice to look back and remember the special times! Thank you so much <3


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