Sunday, January 2, 2022

planner review: fringe 2022 weekly and monthly agenda

When it comes to takes time to find the perfect one. The last few years, the planner has been my must-have. It checks off all of the boxes and then some. It is a substantial size, has rings down the side, comes with art and colouring pages, stickers, note pages, and has lots of room to write down my daily to-do list. I love absolutely everything about it. Except how difficult it can be to find. Last year, my husband ended up paying a lot for the planner and even more for shipping. What used to be easily accessible was suddenly not so accessible. Which is why I decided to branch out a little bit. I was open to using a different planner, as long as it still checked off the boxes. That is how the Fringe 2022 Weekly and Monthly Agenda came into the picture. It was similar enough and ridiculously accessible. Not to mention affordable. Let's take a closer look...

As you can see from the video above...there are a lot of similarities between my beloved planner and the Fringe 2022 Weekly and Monthly Agenda. It has tabs on the side to easily flip to a specific month, there are rings down the side, it is a substantial size, there are note pages (though not nearly as many), and there is enough room to write down my daily to-do list. In terms of functionality, I think this will work well and will help me to stay organized. Since I am a planner obsessed human, plans do not exist unless they are written down! This will allow me to stay on top of my goals, my to-do list, and anything else that happens to come my way. Plus, this particular Fringe Planner has a Zodiac sign theme. 

Though the Fringe 2022 Weekly and Monthly Agenda has a lot that I love, there are a few details that I really miss from the planner. For example: all of those art pages and stickers. My previous planners have been so bright and colourful. They made planning feel really fun. There were always motivational quotes inside as well, which really came in handy throughout the year. So, it means that I will need to add that extra bit of joy to this particular planner. I have already started to look for the perfect planner stickers. I love adding colour and whimsy to the days! Something else that I am missing? All of the extra note pages. There is one per month included in the Fringe version and there are four note pages at the back. This is something that I can make work...but I love having lots of extra note pages. Normally, I use the monthly note pages to plan out my YouTube videos and the note pages at the back are used to track various goals for the year: New Years Resolutions, reading goals, workout goals, and mini goals that I set throughout the year. I can still do that, but I will need to use those note pages very carefully to make sure there is enough room. That being said, this planner is definitely going to do the job. 

I am missing my planner, but there is no doubt that this Fringe 2022 Weekly and Monthly Agenda is going to take me through the year with ease. Planning is an essential part of my day-to-day life and it makes things so much easier. I am extremely happy that I was able to find this planner for a fraction of the cost of the version. 

Do you have a planner? What brand is your favourite?


  1. It's nice you found one similar to the planners you like even if it doesn't have all the extra pages you enjoy! It looks really cute and I hope that you have fun tracking your goal progress in it for this year!

    Hope that 2022 is off to a good start for you! :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Yes, it was definitely nice to find it! Thank you so much. I hope your year is going well so far <3

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! Happy New Year to you as well :)

  3. Happy New Year, Shannon! And this is such an awesome detailed review of the Fringe planner. Didn't even know you can find planners at Winners! Thanks for the info:) I love how this planner has such a lot of space to write important dates, and the Notes in the end is a must for sure. I myself am a Bullet Journal fanatic, but I like watching videos of other planner/journal methods for sure:)

    1. Happy New Year! I hope 2022 is going well for you so far. I love that there are different planners out there for every need and preference!

  4. Yes I love Stacie Orrico too =) She was one of my favourite singers in my childhood :D You're welcome. My week is good until now and I'm positive it will be good til the end :D Hope yours too. Happy New Year =)

    Really nice post =) This planner looks pretty nice. I have a planner too and I hope that I will travel more this year so I can use it for planning all the dates :D

    1. Happy New Year! Thank you so much. I hope you are able to add lots of travel dates to your planner <3


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