Monday, January 24, 2022

too faced: christmas in the city (makeup collection + blush review)

When I was Christmas list always felt so important. It wasn't necessarily the items on the list that were important, but the sense of hope, excitement, and holiday magic associated with them. Receiving exactly what I had asked for, what I had wished for, always felt like a blissful dream come true. It made me feel special and seen. Perhaps that is silly to admit, but whether it was a magazine with JTT on the cover, new clothes for my favourite doll, or a Barbie playset, unwrapping that one special gift was the highest high I could imagine as a child. Things have certainly shifted over the years! These days, I am thrilled to receive literally anything. I recognize how blessed I am that family members and friends have taken the time to treat me to something special. Though, I confess, there was one item on my untold wish list this year: the Christmas in the City Limited Edition Makeup Collection from Too Faced. Though the reviews on the collection were so-so, the collection called to me. I wanted it. A lot. But I didn't want to purchase it for myself, just in case someone had thought to gift it to me for Christmas. Lucky for me, someone did. Over the next few days, there will be a full review of each item included in the set. 

As you can see from the photo above, the Christmas in the City Limited Edition Makeup Collection from Too Faced came with a lot of beauty products. Which is why the next couple of posts will be dedicated to reviewing each one of those products in detail. To kickstart the first post, here is everything that was included in the themed holiday set:

  • Better Than Sex Mascara (Travel Size)
  • Christmas in Paris Eyeshadow Palette
  • Christmas in Los Angeles Eyeshadow Palette
  • Christmas in Rome Face Palette

Right off the bat, there is a lot to love. The around the world theme immediately made me smile...partly because my apartment has a travel theme (we have pictures and decor items inspired by iconic cities) and partly because the pandemic has made me miss travel so much. It was a welcome reminder that despite everything, there is so much beauty the world has to offer. The collection made me hopeful that one day I will be able to travel again. Until then...this holiday collection will have to do. Clearly, the theme stood out, but so did the packaging. Each scene is so stunning and truly feels magical. I also love the fact that this Too Faced holiday collection includes a wonderful variety of products. A mascara, two eyeshadow palettes, and a blush palette. That gives me an awful lot of product to get creative with this year.

The first portion of the Christmas in the City Limited Edition Makeup Collection review is all about the Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara and the Too Faced Christmas In Rome Face Palette. Let's start with the mascara. This is one that I have used many times over the years. It is usually included in the holiday sets and so, I am pretty familiar with it. This is one of my favourite high-end mascaras (though The Super Sizer from Cover Girl will always be my favourite). It works well, the wand shape is easy to use, and it adds lots of drama to the lashes. The Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara is beloved for a reason.

Then there was the Christmas In Rome Face Palette included in the collection. As a blush fanatic, it is always exciting to have new blush shades to choose from! This particular palette included four shades and had incredible Rome inspired holiday art work. It is just beautiful! The blush shades are: Jingle Bellini (warm peach), Cuter on a Scooter (deep pink), No Place Like Rome (soft rose), and Christmas Cannoli (brown-peach). I love that there is a nice variety of shades to choose from and the pigmentation level is solid. These are really colourful, but can be built up or toned down, depending on your preferences. My favourite of the four shades is Cuter on a Scooter, because it adds such a lovely flush to the cheeks. Plus, it pairs well with a lot of different makeup looks. Another fun detail that the Christmas In Rome Face Palette has? The scent. It has a limoncello scent...which pairs perfectly with the Rome theme that the face palette has. That attention to detail and commitment to the theme is one of the many reasons that I love Too Faced products. They just get it right time and time again. 

So far, the Christmas in the City Limited Edition Makeup Collection from Too Faced is impressive. The Better Than Sex mascara is wonderful and adds lots of drama to the lashes. The Christmas In Rome Face Palette has a nice variety of colours, performs well, and is themed to perfection. I love the artwork and limoncello scent. Yes, there is a lot to love...and it is only the beginning. Stay tuned for more posts on Mansa Fashion. dedicated to the latest Too Faced holiday set. There will be reviews and makeup looks featuring the Christmas in Paris and the Christmas in Los Angeles Eyeshadow Palettes. 

Have you tried this Too Faced holiday set? Were you given any makeup for Christmas?


  1. Aww I love the box design so much, so cute! I love the shade that you used, sexy, nice look for eyeshadow.
    Take care, gorgeous!

    1. Yes, the packaging is so beautiful! I love all of the gorgeous city scenes!

  2. I loved this pallete:) thanks for your sharing...

    1. It is gorgeous! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  3. This set sounds fantastic, Shannon! I really have to try that mascara, and that blush a blush fanatic, I'm drooling too! :) Thanks as always for the heads up on these sets. You look so fab in that pic above to boot!

    1. I've really been enjoying it! I love blush, too. It is always so much fun to use :D

  4. Thanks a lot =) I'm really happy with my new products. Oh yes the packaging is really cute.

    Nice review =) This palettes look so lovely and I love the blush shades <3 Your look is also really beautiful, I like it.

    1. Aww thank you so much! The blush shades are really beautiful.

  5. Very beautiful palette colors.

  6. It's so nice you were gifted this set you wanted! You created such a nice look with it too, the blush you used is lovely and it's nice the set has so many different blush tones to try :)

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Aww thank you so much! It was very exciting to receive the set and it has been a lot of fun putting it to use lately. <3


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