Monday, February 7, 2022

kvd beauty: shade + light eyeshadow quad (neupop)

Eyeshadow is my ultimate weakness. Do I need more? No. Do I buy more? Of course. Though all beauty products can be fun and functional, eyeshadow leans more towards the fun side. Ever since the start of the pandemic, beauty lovers have been reaching for more skin care and brow products than ever. While I understand the practicality behind those choices...eyeshadow still calls out to me. Beauty trends come and go, but my love for eyeshadow is enduring. Perhaps that is why it was especially difficult to resist an affordable quad from KVD. The NEUPOP Shade + Light Eyeshadow Quad was on sale for a mere $10. It has been a very long time since I last tried out an eyeshadow from the there was definitely a little curiosity. Would the shades perform well? Was the quality as good as it used to be? One thing was certain: I was ready to find out. 

The NEUPOP Shade + Light Eyeshadow Quad is cute and compact. The size is travel friendly, but the palette still has a lot of beautiful details. For instance, the lettering on the front is raised and the pops of gold are a nice touch. The shape of the actual palette is a little unusual and unexpected. And the palette is lightweight but still feels really sturdy. All in all, the palette looks beautiful on the outside. On the inside? There is a small mirror and four eyeshadow shades. 

The eyeshadow shades include New Wave (a light matte brown, which is the largest pan in the quad), Electro (a bold reddish shade), Deep Tracks (purple shimmer) and Love Anthem (holographic pink-opal shadow). What I love? There are a number of finishes to choose from and there are some bold eyeshadow shades mixed in with a neutral. New Wave can be used as a crease shade or worn all over the lid for a quick-and-easy one shadow look. Electro is a really bold and unexpected colour and I think it would pair well with a deeper brown or even a black for a colourful but smokey eyeshadow look. Deep Tracks is a great one shadow shade as well, but it can also be used as a beautiful pop of colour. Out of all the shadows, my favourite is Love Anthem. In general, holographic shades make me happy, and this shadow is no exception. It is so beautiful.

As for the quality of the eyeshadows? Impressive. New Wave has such a soft and buttery texture. It applies easily and adds more colour to the lid than expected. That reddish shade, Electro is intensely pigmented and stands out with ease. A little bit is more than enough! Deep Tracks, on the other hand, has a slightly drier texture. It doesn't go on as smoothly and requires extra TLC to achieve full colour payoff. As for Love Anthem, it is gorgeous. It can be worn alone or layered on top of another shadow. All of the eyeshadows are beautiful, but the weak link is definitely the shimmery purple. Something else to consider? This isn't necessarily a standalone eyeshadow palette. There are some one shadow shades, but all in all the colour story is a little jumbled and the shades don't necessarily work together with ease. Brown, red, purple, and a holographic pink? Pretty, but not exactly cohesive. Chances are, additional eyeshadow shades will need to be incorporated as well. 

To create the look above, New Wave was used through the crease and the outer corner. It was blended more through the crease and applied a little heavier at the outer corner. Then the holographic pink shade, Love Anthem, was applied on the rest of the lid. A little New Wave along the lower lash line finished this simple makeup look. 

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Overall, the NEUPOP Shade + Light Eyeshadow Quad from KVD Beauty is a winner. The price point was extremely affordable (if you are interested, the quad is still on sale on the KVD website), the packaging was beautiful, and the overall quality was fabulous. The colour story was a bit all over the place...but this would be a good addition to an existing makeup collection. It is a fun way to add in some unexpected shades. This has certainly been enjoyable to put to use. 

What do you think of this eyeshadow quad? Are you a fan of KVD products?


  1. Oh wow! This palette sounds awesome, Shannon! Although not cohesive as you said, I am totally digging all the colours and love the look you created with it! You look so gorgeous in these shades:)

    1. Thank you! It is definitely more of an add-on than a standalone set, but it is nice all the same!

  2. The case looks so cool and badass. Ahh your skin is flawless, carina....

  3. the packaging is everything here. Nice basic colors too

  4. Oh yes I love to travel and I can't wait for it <3 :D I'm sure about that too =)

    Nice review =) This palette looks really beautiful. The purple colour is my favourite =) I like your look a lot, pretty cute.

    1. You can never go wrong with a shimmery purple shadow! Thank you!


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