Monday, February 21, 2022

my chemical romance inspired makeup and accessories

Emo kid? Me? Absolutely. I was in university when I first discovered My Chemical Romance. Something inside of me shifted when I heard them. Their music made me feel like I was heard, seen, and understood in a way that I never had been before. Suddenly, it felt okay to be me. It felt safe to express the happy parts, the sad parts, the confused parts, and the depressed parts....most of which I had tried to hide away or reject over the years. My Chemical Romance allowed me to accept and embrace my authentic self. Ever since then, their music has been an important part of my life and my story. It has been there for me in good times and in difficult times. Lately, their music has been playing in my apartment on a regular basis. This is partly because the music is phenomenal and partly because a My Chemical Romance earring set has been in heavy rotation lately. Since I have been so inspired by this band over the years (and especially lately) it only seemed right to create an MRC inspired makeup look and to share a mini review of the earring set. First up? The earrings....

There is nothing I love more than themed accessories, especially when it comes to a band that I love. These My Chemical Romance earrings came from Hot Topic and have been sitting in my drawer just waiting to be used. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for a reason to wear them, but since the pandemic continues....I decided to just start wearing them for myself. They pair perfectly with my all-time favourite hoodie. It is a My Chemical Romance hoodie that I bought at their concert way back in 2007. The combination of worn-out hoodie and themed earrings is the perfect pick-me-up! As you can see from the set (pictured above), there is a lot to choose from. I love these mix and match type of sets, because there is something fabulous about mismatched earrings. The set includes iconic images from My Chemical Romance albums as well as some MCR inspired items. I especially love the Black Parade earring and the guitar pick design. Everything about the set is fabulous. 

As for makeup? I recently created a look that was inspired by My Chemical Romance. I remember the olden days, when I would stay up late and play around with makeup...trying to mimic the messy red eyeshadow look that Gerard Way used to wear or the triangles that Frank Iero wore under his eyes. This time? I went for something expressive. A little more polished and in tune with my style now, but a look that still tapped into the emo kid that I used to be. To create the MCR inspired look, I used:

  • Tarte - Tarteist Pro Remix Eyeshadow Palette
  • NYX Epic Ink Liner 
  • Annabelle Kohl Eyeliner
  • Pink Beauty Blush in Longing For
  • NYX Matte Lipstick in Moonwalk 

To create the My Chemical Romance inspired makeup look, I started with the Tarteist Pro Remix Eyeshadow Palette. Wall Art, a cool matte brown, was applied through the crease to build the shade. Then Graffiti, a warm shimmery red, was applied all over the lid and underneath the lower lash line. To add in that smokey darkness, the shade Ink, a rich black, was applied to the outer corner and along the lower lash line. Everything was a little messier and more dramatic....and I loved that. For liner, there was the NYX Epic Ink Liner on top and the Annabelle Kohl eyeliner along the lower lash line for something super dark and vampy. Then the Pink Beauty blush was added to the cheeks and the unusual NYX Matte Lipstick, Moonwalk, was applied to the lips. All in all, it was a dark and fun makeup look to create. The My Chemical Romance earrings finished off this look. 

Music continues to be a significant part of my life. It manages to express all of the things that are difficult to express. My Chemical Romance continues to inspire....even when it comes to makeup and accessories.

What do you think of this makeup look? Are you a fan of My Chemical Romance? 


  1. Yes my week was pretty good =) I love wellness days, perfect after a long week :D It was nice to have a Girls Night <3 :D

    Interesting review =) The palette has so many beautiful shades, love them. The earrings are cute =) And I love your make up look.

    1. Yes, it is such a great palette. I reach for it over and over again! Thank you so much :D

  2. Oh my gosh! My Chemical Romance! Talk about blast from the past! "Welcome to the Black Parade"
    Are they still together? And love those earrings, Shannon:) Of course, your makeup rocked! That eye makeup....amazeballs!
    Hope you're having a great Of Tourism Day:)

    1. They started touring again shortly before the pandemic started, but there hasn't been any new music, unfortunately! Maybe one day. Thank you! I hope your Of Tourism Day was wonderful as well <3

  3. This is such a great look! I wasn't really into this band when I was younger but I think everyone knows a few emo songs they enjoyed! :) It's so good that you could get the earrings too, they are really fun! I have a few band tees but no other merch from my fave bands - although they were from back in my uni days so they aren't all still going or producing new songs!

    Hope you are having a great week! :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. It was such a good time for music! I love that you have band merch and stuff from bands that you love. I am a sucker for band tees and whatnot! So fun :D

  4. I was such a big fan!
    Cool makeup,

  5. Oh this is so fun! Love the inspiration, I was a Marilyn Manson fan. A wee bit darker LOL.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Definitely a bit darker, but that time in music certainly had lots of options!

  6. Love it! This makeup look suits you really well :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram


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