Saturday, February 19, 2022

recent reads: mysteries, biographies, and self help

There is nothing better than curling up with a good book...though it is not always easy to make the time. Or have the energy! These days, my plate has felt a little more full than usual. There are always times like that, it seems. Slower times are immediately followed by busier times. But somehow, everything always gets done, and there is even room for fun every now and again. Even though life has been busy lately, reading has been on the forefront of my mind. I've been trying to unwind at the end of the night with a chapter of a book instead of scrolling through Instagram or mindlessly watching something on TV. Not only does this help me to sleep better, but it also makes me feel more connected, grounded, and peaceful. Which is why this post is all about some of my recent reads. I thought that I would share some of the books that have been making my life better lately. Some are mystery novels, there is a celebrity biography, and there are even a couple of self help books. 

Biographies and Mystery Novels. The first book on this recent reads list is Leap of Faith by Cameron Hamilton and Lauren Speed. This couple actually met on the Netflix show, Love Is Blind, and has been sharing details of their unexpected - but beautiful - love story on social media ever since the show premiered. More recently, they released a book that highlighted details of their relationship and even shared some relationship advice. As someone who loved seeing their relationship blossom on the show, it was just as interesting to find out more details in the book. This is such an unusual love story and proof that you never really know what the universe has in store. As for the other two books on this list? There is The Thousand Dollar Tan Line and Mr. Kiss and Tell from Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham. Both books are about Veronica Mars, and since I have been on a major Veronica Mars kick lately, it only made sense to re-read these mystery novels. I hadn't read them since they were first released, so a lot of the mysteries felt like new again. It was a wonderful way to start the new year.

Self Help Novels. Every year, my New Years Resolution is to read 20 fiction and 20 non-fiction books. When it comes to the non-fiction side, sometimes there are biographies and sometimes there are self-help style books. I especially love the latter. I am someone that always wants to understand why people do what they do and how certain mindsets can be shifted. I like to learn about interesting topics and human beings are always interesting. One book that I read recently is one that has been on my shelf for a very long time. I always wanted to read it and even started it a few times...but I never finished it. The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin is all about her desire to create a happier life for herself. To really dig deep and remove all of the things that get in the way of really appreciating all that life has to offer. Not only does the book illustrate her year-long journey towards happiness, but it also outlines way to start your own happiness project. All in all, it was an inspiring read and I hope to start my own happiness project. I also read Colors & Numbers by Louise Hay. I am such a fan of her work and was interested to hear what she had to say about how certain numbers and colours can impact mood. Though it was not my favourite book from Louise (it was interesting, but not necessarily something that I can see myself focusing on in future) it was still worth the read. 

What have you been reading lately? Have you read any of the books on this recent reads list?


  1. I haven't read them yet. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a good week-end!

  2. It's great you are reading such a varied range of books! I don't like mysteries or crime books and I didn't watch the Veronica Mars series so I don't think they would be for me, but I'll let me sister know! She loved the series but I had no idea there were books too! :)

    I try read a little each night too - I find going to bed 30 minutes early to get some reading time in works so well for me - being summer the kids are up too early with the sun for me to have much time to myself in the morning for reading, haha!

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Oh, lovely! I am sure your sister would love the books then! That definitely makes sense and reading is a great way to unwind at the end of the day.

  3. Yes I love Easter decorations too =) Yes I'm obsessed with that too. Thanks <3

    Interesting books =) I don't read that much and when I read something I prefer hot love novels :D

    1. Ha! I am glad you have been able to find books that you enjoy!

  4. This position from Veronica Mars seems to be my cup of tea

    1. Yes, I love Veronica Mars! Such a great character!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the support!


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