Saturday, February 5, 2022

review + reveal (charmed aroma peppermint swirl candle)

It's always nice to have a peppermint candle around. Not only does the smell of peppermint instantly remind me of the holiday season, but it is also a must-have for tackling headaches. Yes, peppermint has been found to relax muscles and ease pain associated with headaches and migraines. That is why the Peppermint Swirl candle from Charmed Aroma was such a wonderful gift. I was given this candle before the holidays rolled around, but didn't burn it until fairly recently. Normally, I love to burn a Charmed Aroma candle right away (because I am desperate to see what is inside), but this was a candle that I planned to save and use only when needed. After my booster vaccine, my head ached for several days and this candle really came in handy. It helped to ease some of the pain and make the situation far more manageable. Bonus? There was jewellery waiting for me inside. This particular candle was part of the dainty ring collection. Keep reading for a review and reveal...

The Peppermint Swirl candle was fairly simple all around. It came in a glass jar and had two wicks. As for the design around the candle, it was holiday themed and perfectly suited to the winter season. I love all of the warm greens, the leaves, and the adorable little peppermint candies scattered throughout. So festive and inviting! The scent itself is exactly what you would imagine. It has a fabulous peppermint scent that is familiar and makes the whole room feel brighter. Ready to see what was inside? I had the candle burning for a couple of hours (to ease a headache) and did not expect to see the foil packet poking out of the wax. But to my surprise, there it was, ready to be removed! As always, it was an exciting moment. 

I'll be honest...the reveal was a little....meh. In the past, the candle reveals have had some accessories that were fabulous and some that were a decent, but this is by far the simplest piece that has been inside. The dainty ring is certainly pretty and sparkly, but it is a little more simplistic than a lot of the other designs than I have seen. It has a very small rectangular stone in the center and a few smaller stones along the band. All in all, this is extremely simple and a little ordinary. That being said, it is certainly something that I will just isn't a wow piece. After appraising the value on the Charmed Aroma website, this dainty style ring was valued at $10. Certainly the lowest value by far! But thankfully, the candle itself was the focus this time and not the actual jewellery inside. I was in need of a peppermint candle (since I had already used up my last one from Leyland & Body Works) and this really helped ease my headache symptoms. I have been burning it only when needed to make sure it lasts for the remainder of the winter season. There is still about half of the candle left and it is nice to know it is nearby! 

Do you like peppermint candles? Are you a fan of Charmed Aroma? 


  1. I love candles. I use soya candle or candle from honeycomb, because these candle don´t contain harmful substances that are released into the air after ignition :) And peppermint i like. I like peppermint tea.

    1. Wonderful! Peppermint candles always smell so good <3

  2. It's nice this candle helped with your headaches although it's a shame you didn't like the surprise inside! I think dainty rings like this are so pretty but I agree you've had some awesome reveals from your other candles!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend! We had a playdate yesterday and today is the last day of the summer school holidays :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. It's always a bit of a gamble, so it's okay that the ring inside was only okay this time. You're right, there have definitely been some nice items inside in the past! Thank you so much. I hope the playdate was fun!

  3. I haven't tried this brand yet but it seems amazing, I like the idea of the surprise inside of it, althought it's a ring with a simple design, it's still cute, I love it ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. It's definitely a really fun concept and a great brand. I love candles and jewellery, so it's a win-win for me!

  4. Oh yes this is really exciting =) I'm happy to test this Chanel sample =)

    Nice review, this aroma candle sounds pretty nice and I love the ring, it's so cute =) I love peppermint <3

    1. Thank you! Yes, peppermint is always so wonderful!

  5. I always wanted to try a jewellery candle, they look so cute and I love the surprise at the end! I always get sad whenever a candle is running out, it's such a cool concept to have a surprise gift at the end :D I loved your review, the peppermint scent sounds dreamy!!

    elizabeth @

    1. It's definitely a great concept and is a lot of fun! Thank you so much <3

  6. Cool review, thank you very much)

  7. I am a huge lover of peppermint so I'd be happy in any case. but ring does look boring

    1. Yes, that is definitely how I felt about it! But at least there was a lovely peppermint candle!

  8. Love the smell of the peppermint swirl. I also was a bit disappointed in reveal. At least yours made a bit more sense with the rectangle shape stone. Mine was a round one and a square one side by side (still about same size as your rectangle piece)

    1. Yes, same! The smell was fabulous, but the ring inside was not super thrilling. I'm sorry to hear that yours wasn't all that impressive either!


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