Thursday, March 3, 2022

rare beauty week: magnetic spirit eyeshadow palette

Rare Beauty Week is fully underway here on Mansa Fashion. That means it is time to look closer at the Magnetic Spirit Eyeshadow Palette. This palette is a limited edition release that has six jewel-toned shimmers to choose from. According to the brand, it is inspired by the light and energy that surrounds us and the chromatic eyeshadows "let you create endless looks that reflect your true aura." The theme and concept were certainly interesting...but did the shadows perform well? Was the colour story impressive? Here is everything you need to know about this Rare Beauty eyeshadow palette. 

Unfortunately, the packaging for the Magnetic Spirit Eyeshadow Palette does not photograph well...but trust me when I say that it is beautiful! There are lots of geometric shapes and colours on the front, which are absolutely stunning. It looks so pretty and certainly feels luxurious. Something to note: while the packaging feels very strong and sturdy, it is not. How do I know? Before filming my latest YouTube video (which will be shared on Mansa Fashion. shortly)...the palette slipped out of my hand. Though it was closed and landed on a carpeted surface, the two end shadows smashed completely. I did my best so salvage what I could, but this once gorgeous palette is now very fragile and sore on the eyes. Such a disappointment! I will say that I have dropped a few palettes in my time and they rarely break. That tells me that the shadows are extremely soft. So, even though the packaging feels quite sturdy, if you purchase this extra careful. 

Not only is the Magnetic Spirit Eyeshadow Palette vegan and cruelty free, but the shades are absolutely stunning. (Which is why it was so upsetting that the end shadow smashed. They are beautiful!) The first shade is Ablaze, which is a pink duo-chrome shade, Ignite, which is a shimmery berry colour, Power, a shimmery purple, Clarity, a shimmery soft gold, Grounded, a shimmery orange, and Passion, a brown and gold shimmer. The formula is impressive and certainly makes me interested in trying more from the brand. My absolute favourite shade is Ablaze, because the formula is so richly pigmented and the duo-chrome finish is remarkable. It looks fabulous and is a really easy to use shadow. I find myself reaching for it often. The shade selection is wonderful overall and I really like the fact that there are light shades, dark shades, and pops of colour. Even though these shades are somewhat unexpected all grouped together, there is so much to love. 

Not only is the colour story interesting, but the overall quality is really wonderful. (Though I will never get over the smashed colours on the ends. So upsetting.) These are intensely pigmented and a little bit goes a long way. This is so easy to use that even the bolder colours feel effortless. I would absolutely consider purchasing a Rare Beauty eyeshadow palette in future, because these shadows are truly special. They stand out in the best possible way. Want to see this palette in action? Below is a makeup look that was created with some of the shadows from the Magnetic Spirit Eyeshadow Palette....

As you can see, the shade Ablaze is a showstopper, a scene stealer, and an absolute knockout. I am obsessed with that eyeshadow! It instantly makes a makeup look feel special. Though it was devastating that the eyeshadow palette smashed (luckily, I took blog photos before the accident), they are still usable...and I will be using every little bit. Magnetic Spirit is a really special release and I can't wait to try out different eyeshadows from Rare Beauty in future. 

Have you tried any of the eyeshadows from Rare Beauty? What did you think of the formula?


  1. This face mask is pretty nice =) It has the right fit for my face <3 :D
    Thanks =) My time was ambiguous, the bed was to hard and I can't sleep because the two bars were on both sides of my room and the parties were so loud :D But I enjoyed the sun, the beach and the ocean <3 :D

    Really interesting review =) This eyeshadow palette looks so beautiful and I like this colours. I like your make up with it too =)

    1. Oh, gosh! Well, I am glad you enjoyed all of the sunshine and views! Thank you so much <3


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