Wednesday, March 23, 2022

review and makeup look: nyx shadow and liner set

It is no secret that makeup is a passion of mine. I love to use it, test out different products, and have fun tapping into my creative side. Since it is such an important part of my day-to-day life, my loved ones often treat me to different products. Some are gifted around holidays and some are gifted for no reason at all. The NYX Shadow and Liner Set falls into the latter category. It was such a lovely surprise and completely perked up a more difficult day. Since then, I have been putting this drugstore set from NYX to the test. It included two different items: That's The Point Eyeliner and the Ultimate Eyeshadow Palette. Ready to take a closer look and find out how these products perform? Here are all the details  you need to know.

NYX - That's The Point Eyeliner in Put a Wing On It. There are some pros and cons connected to the That's The Point liner. Let's start with the pros. This is thicker and has more of a marker-like design, which makes it easy to hold onto and use. The felt-tip applicator is sturdy and has a fine point, which makes it possible to be ultra precise with application. The cons? This liner dried up incredibly quickly. I had only used it for a week or so when it started to dry out and become difficult to use. Honestly, that was surprising to me, because I've used similar products in the past and they lasted for ages. Not this time. I don't know if this was a one-off or if the That's The Point liner only lasts a short time in general...but I am unlikely to try this particular eyeliner again in future. I will stick to the NYX Epic Ink Liner instead. It lasts for much longer and provides an intense look. 

NYX - Ultimate Shadow Palette in Warm Neutrals. An eyeshadow palette described as warm neutrals? Well, sign me up. Those are my favourite kind of eyeshadow shades and certainly fall into my makeup comfort zone. When it comes to the Ultimate Shadow Palette, there is a lot to love here. It has a nice combination of light, medium, and dark colours, has a variety of finishes, and is generally easy to use. Some shadows perform better than others, but the formula for the shimmers is outstanding. I am especially amazed at how bold the first shimmer on the top row is (there are no shadow names, unfortunately). It is ideal for the inner corner or to use underneath the brow. It just adds that fabulous pop! There are a few other standouts in the palette as well, like the medium matte brown for the crease and the reddish shades in the third row. I especially love that reddish shimmer. That is without a doubt, the shadow that I have used most so far. It is gorgeous.

Over the last little while, this palette has been part of my everyday makeup routine. It is just so easy to use! Here is a recent look that I created using the Warm Neutrals palette. It was a little bit smokey and focused on those deep brown shimmers. 

This NYX Shadow and Liner Set was a bit hit or miss. The miss? That liner. It dried out way too quickly to be worthwhile. The hit? The Ultimate Shadow Palette. All of the eyeshadow shades are really easy to use, look beautiful, and can be worn day or night. The palette is certainly the star here and is an ideal choice if you are looking for a high-quality drugstore option. 

Have you tried either of these products? Are you a fan of NYX?


  1. I love nyx products:) thanks for your sharing...

  2. Another great set of shades. Love your hair, dear!


  3. It's a shame that the liner dried up so quickly and you weren't impressed with it - but so good that you love the shadows! I like the look you created with them too!

    Hope that you are having a great day :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. It was definitely a disappointment, but the shadows certainly made up for it! Thank you. I hope you are having a great day as well!

  4. I love the Eye shades, you have good collection and your eye makeup is simply awesome like you.kiss

  5. Replies
    1. Absolutely! Those warm shades will be great in fall!


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