Thursday, March 31, 2022

too faced: palm springs dreams cocktail party eye shadow palette

Some people like beauty products that look sleek and sophisticated. As for me? I love items that are fun and whimsical. Life can be serious...but makeup doesn't need to be. Perhaps that is why I love Too Faced so much. All of their releases are colourful and have a cute theme. They are fun! Makeup is a form of creative expression, but it is also a stress reliever for me. I absolutely love the process of creating a look, and when the products are downright adorable, that just makes the process even better. Not too long ago, the Palm Springs Dreams Cocktail Party Eye Shadow Palette was at Winners. Since I love both Too Faced and discount prices, it was a match made in heaven. For only $25 CDN, it was possible to try this wonderfully themed release. 

Right off the bat, there is a lot to love about the Palm Springs Dreams palette. For instance, the retro Palm Springs inspired packaging. On the outside of the palette, there are pinks, peaches, and sparkly orange details with old-school lettering. I love anything vintage and this throwback palette makes me swoon! It also has a decidedly summer vibe. It makes me long for sunshine and colourful sunglasses. The palette is just as thrilling on the inside, with a mixture of summery shades to choose from. There are warm browns, pinks, orange, blues, and gold. All the must-haves for warm weather are there. Plus, there are matte, shimmer, and glitter shades to cover all the bases. According to the brand, this palette offers "fresh cocktail colours and dazzling party-ready finishes." It has enough variety to create simple daytime looks or somethin that is bold, colourful, and flashy for evening. With cocktail inspired eyeshadow names, this is a summertime party in a palette. 

As you can see from the swatches (pictured above) there are some really spectacular shades to choose from. The mattes are especially easy to work with and have a buttery texture. They blend well and have a wonderful amount of colour payoff. They are the stars in this palette. Mocktail is easily my favourite matte shade, which is the warm orange colour. It has that incredible retro feel that I love so much! As for the shimmers, there are some really lovely ones, like TFTI, which is a gorgeous warm gold. However, the shade Last Call doesn't have as much pigmentation as I would like. It feels slightly drier than all of the other eyeshadows. Then there are the glitters to consider, and these are an awful lot of fun...especially Swizzle Stick, which is a bright sparkly pink. The shade Swank is another star, which is that dark and sparkly teal colour. It is so unusual and unexpected.

Ready to see this palette in action? The look below was created using the shade She's Lit through the crease, TFTI all over the lid, with a bit of Dirty Martini layered over top for an extra dose of glitter, BYOB to deepen the crease, and Cabana Time used in the inner corner. The end result was something bold, sparkly, but still wearable. I love that this palette makes it possible to do something subtle, bolder, or ultra colourful. Be sure to let me know what you think of this look in the comment section...

All in all, this Too Faced eyeshadow palette is a winner. There is one shadow that falls flat (Last Call), but the rest are beautiful and are boldly pigmented. I love the variety of finishes and the unexpected pops of colour. The retro inspiration is just icing on the cake! I am certain that this will be an often used palette this spring and throughout the summer. 

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Have you tried the Palm Springs Dreams Cocktail Party Eye Shadow Palette? Are you a fan of Too Faced?


  1. Oh yes this is really delicious <3 And perfect for a healthy lifestyle.

    Great review =) This palette looks so beautiful and I love those colours especially the pink ones. You're make up look is cute as always <3

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I really love the palette :D

    2. You're welcome =) Oh yes it's so cute.

      Absolutely right =) I love the variety of products in this box. I like ketchup too, but I love mayonaisse so much more :D

  2. The colors are beautiful! I loved the shiny ones *-*

  3. Ooo the Palm Springs palette IS fun!! What a great job you did with this look and with so many great colors I bet you are going to get a bunch of great looks out of this palette.

    Leanne Thompson of

  4. Interesting review! Lovely colors!! Thanks for sharing :)

    Abdel | Infinitely Posh.

  5. I love this palette

  6. Wow, love the colors *-*

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