Tuesday, March 29, 2022

virtual event: mocktails, makeup, and a movie (2022)

Special events are difficult these days. It is hard to know what the right move is. Should it be in person? Online? A mix of the two? Last year, the Mocktails, Makeup, and a Movie event was virtual and it remained virtual this year. Though it made sense to keep it online...I have to admit that I did miss the in person experience. Previously, there were makeup demonstrations, raffles, games, snacks, and a brand new movie to watch at the theatre. (You can read more about that here.) It was more of an experience. At home? You definitely have to put in a little extra work to make it feel like an event. That being said, there were some highlights and lots and lots of beauty items to test and try. Ready to hear more about the event? Keep reading...

How is it possible to make a virtual event feel special and out of the ordinary? Well, it all started with a little style. I made sure to wear an outfit that was comfortable but still felt special...and spent a little extra time on my makeup. Then there was a takeout meal for dinner. Sometimes, the little things mean the most! In order to prepare for the event, a gift bag was picked up ahead of time. It included the items needed to create a Peach Bellini mocktail, a handful of snacks, and lots of beauty products. For the mocktail, there was a peach flavoured drink with a mocktail bomb and some fuzzy peach candies. Though the mocktail was not my favourite, it was fun to make at any rate. The snacks included some microwave popcorn, chocolates, and a bag of gummy candy. All movie appropriate! The movie was accessed online and there were several to choose from. I ended up watching Free Guy, with Ryan Reynolds, which was really funny and unexpectedly sweet. 

Now to address all of the beauty products included in the gift bag. There were certainly far more items than in previous years. It was a little overwhelming to receive so much! Wonderful, but overwhelming all the same. There were many different perfume samples (including ones from Tiffany & Co. and Juicy Couture), skin care items (from brands like Elizabeth Arden, Clinique, Nuxe, La Roche-Posay, and Filorga), and makeup products (including a sample of the Smashbox Photo Finish Primer, a new nail polish from Sally Hansen, and a mascara from L'Oreal). My absolute favourite item in the gift bag? The amazing pair of sunglasses from Mac + Jac. I have an absolute obsession with sunglasses and these will fit right into my seasonal wardrobe. The tortoise shell frames and softly tinted lenses are stylish and pair well with just about any outfit. It was a wonderful surprise.

It will be a lot of fun to put these items to use over the next little while. Expect to see some of them back here on Mansa Fashion. in future. There will surely be reviews of some of the standouts and of course, the Air Volume Mega Mascara from L'Oreal. As for the skin care items...here is hoping they will add to my current routine and leave me with glowing skin this season. All in all, the Mocktails, Makeup, and a Movie event was enjoyable and left me with lots of items to test and try. Who knows? Maybe next year, the event will be held in person. What a lovely thing to hope for! 

Have you attended any virtual events lately? What did you do to make sure they felt special?


  1. It's amazing how well we are now adjusting to attending virtual events. I love how you made it a bit extra special! Have a lovely week!
    PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com

    1. You are right about that! I suppose it is the new normal! Thank you so much <3

  2. Oh my I would love to attend an event like this, virtual and in person! Sounds so fun and girly!


    1. Yes, it definitely is! Something fun to do, for sure :)

  3. Great event.


  4. Chciałabym wziąć udział w takim wydarzeniu :)

  5. Oh yes this is really cool =) I love Cologne and it's nice to have a poster with my own picture of Cologne <3 :D

    Great post =) This virtual event sounds really interesting. It's so much fun to have some events at home in front of the computer :D

    1. For sure! It is a different experience, but something fun to do :D

  6. Thank you very much for your lovely comment. 🥰 so many nice products.

    1. Yes, it was nice to have lots of different products to try out!


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