Monday, April 18, 2022

easter highlights (decorations, baked goods, accessories)

Ahh...this time of year is undeniably special. There is something so rejuvenating about the sunnier days, the springtime colours, and of course, the holidays. As I mentioned in my last post, Easter is one of my favourite holidays. This year, it was spent with my loved ones at home...which is my favourite way to celebrate. My husband and I did Easter baskets for one another, then I spent the day with my immediate family, and my husband joined us for a homecooked meal. There were lots of highlights, like watching classic holiday movies together and baking lots of delicious seasonal treats. Ready to take a peek into my Easter holiday? See how it was celebrated? Here are some holiday highlights...

Easter Fashion and Accessories. One of my Easter highlights comes from my favourite designer, Betsey Johnson. I actually found this pair of Easter earrings shortly before the holiday rolled around...and could not say no to them. One earring has the Easter Bunny with a basket full of colourful eggs. The other earring is longer and has a little green scooter. The design is so fun and whimsical, making it absolutely perfect for this time of year. Other highlights include my favourite pink fluffy bunny sweater that I wear each and every Easter. It usually ends up being way too warm, but I love anything themed and cute.

Lots and Lots of Easter Decorations. Seasonal decorations always manage to add lots of joy to a room. They make everything feel extra exciting! There are quite a few Easter and spring-themed decorations in my home...and it will be a little sad to take them down. A lot of them are just little odds and ends from the dollar store, but there are also Easter decorations that I grew up with and are now displayed in my own home. I love that about seasonal decorations. They pass from one home to another and become a tradition of sorts. They are beautiful, memorable, and make life seem a little brighter. 

Seasonal Treats and Delicious Baked Goods. I won't food makes me happy. I love the each and every holiday has its own delicious baked goods associated with it. The specifics can vary from household to household, but when it comes to Easter, there are definitely some staples. And most of them are sweet. (Which is perfect for me, because I have a serious sweet tooth.) I'm talking hollow chocolate bunny rabbits, jelly beans, and foil wrapped chocolate eggs. Not to mention ham and mashed potatoes for dinner, with cookies and cakes for dessert. Yum! There is always a lot of wonderful food to enjoy. 

Easter Morning Makeup. When it comes to makeup on Easter, my go-to tends to be something soft, but colourful. This year, it was all about embracing lots of different shades of pink. Thankfully, there are many eyeshadow palettes in my collection that fit the bill. The look that I created make good use of some bolder pink eyeshadows and blended them with softer pink shimmers. A little winged liner and mascara finished off the eyes and a pastel pink blush was applied to the cheeks. I left it neutral on the lips (to make it easier to eat all of that Easter chocolate) and that was that. The look was nothing that was too over the top, but it was still something colourful, fun, and inspired by the spring season. 

How did you celebrate Easter? Share your holiday highlights in the comment section below!


  1. Very interesting post.

  2. This is really cute, I love it =) Easter chocolate is really nice, Christmas chocolate too <3 :D

    Nice Easter highlights =) I love to eat special things on Easter but this year I don't have something special, just chocolate and burger :D And your look is cute too =)

    1. Chocolate and a burger sounds perfect to me! Definitely a nice way to treat yourself :D

  3. Love all the decorations and makeup too! :)
    Have a great day! <3

    🌸 Kiara Era BLOG 🌸
    Kiara Era

  4. I‘m so in love with your make-up and the decoration. You’re so beautiful. 😍


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