Wednesday, April 20, 2022

inspired by netflix: get organized with the home edit

Anyone else watching "Get Organized with The Home Edit" on Netflix? When the first season premiered, it was quickly added to my watch list. Before I knew it, Clea and Joanna had reorganized closets, kitchens, bedrooms, and everything in between. Recently, the second season was added to the streaming service. This time, the professional organizers weren't heading to random storage stores for containers...they had created their own. Well, it only took a quick online search to find out where the containers were being sold. And that is how my spring cleaning started this year. 

When it comes to keeping my home clean...I try to stay on top of things. Dishes, laundry, tidying, the works. However, when it comes to organization, that always seems to be a much bigger struggle. I tend to organize something, watch it slowly become disorganized, and start all over again. Actually keeping things organized is so much harder! Maybe that is why watching The Home Edit staff do their stuff on Netflix is so appealing. It is all the satisfaction of an organized home without actually having to do any of the work. This time, watching wasn't just satisfying, it was inspiring. Especially once I discovered that the different bins (a collaboration between iDesign + The Home Edit) were at a store five-minutes away from me. 

That was when the organizational process really began. Though I had a sudden urge to organize every single room in our made more sense to do this one room at a time. So, we started with my bathroom (aka the place where all of my makeup lives). It is the secondary bathroom and is fairly small, so making the most of the limited space is an absolute must. There are a couple of small shelves in there already along with some small tower drawers. As it was, there were perfume boxes holding all sorts of odds and ends as well. It was definitely time for an upgrade! My husband was kind enough to do all of the measuring and drive me to the store to do a little shopping for The Home Edit containers

To start? The Home Edit All-Purpose Stackable Divided Drawer (shown in the picture above) was a must. These ultra roomy clear drawers were the perfect addition. On one side of my sink, there was an All-Purpose Stackable Divided Drawer on its own and on the other side of the skin, there was an All-Purpose Stackable Divided Drawer in the clear container and another drawer stacked on top. Suddenly, there was so much more room for everything! All of my face products, like foundation, primers, and makeup remover were in one drawer...and some smaller clear containers were inside there as well to keep things nice and divided. For the double stacked drawers, my brushes were in the upper drawer, and my everyday items (like The Emily Edit palette and various makeup tools) as well as products to review, were in the lower drawer. This not only looks a million times better, but it has given me a lot more space to work with. Who knew organizing could be so fun?

Under the sink was another set of The Home Edit All-Purpose Stackable Divided Drawer with the clear container. The bottom draw currently holds all of my Paris Hilton Cosmetics makeup and the top drawer has all of my hair tools. Everything is more accessible now. In addition to all of those aesthetically pleasing clear drawers, some Open Front All-Purpose Bins (the wooden one shown in the picture above) were purchased as well. These were bought with the intention to sort out my shelf. Not only did I do a bit of a declutter, but all of my lotions, hair care products, and hair accessories are nicely sorted. There is still quite a bit of organizing and decluttering to do in that well as the rest of my home...but this is certainly a start. My goal is to make my home as organized and beautiful as possible this season. Fingers crossed! 

Have you done any spring cleaning so far? Are you a fan of The Home Edit?


  1. I know this program :) thanks for your sharing...

  2. I love how that divided drawer looks! And my older sis and I were just talking about this show coz she's obsessed with it (but I haven't seen it yet). She is also inspired by it, and got my younger sis to watch it too. She did tell me one of the girls has cancer:(

    1. It has been SO useful! It is such a good show...definitely recommend! <3

  3. hi dear! I don't think I've ever seen it but I'll try to search Netflix.

  4. I haven't heard about this program before. Thanks for sharing!

  5. How not to love an organized home? *-*

    1. So true! It always feels nice to have things tucked away nicely!

  6. Oh yes this sounds really great =) I love Burgers so this product test is perfect for me <3 :D
    This shirt is pretty cute and perfect for spring and summer. And the tea sounds really delicious, I can't wait to taste it soon :D

    Great post =)
    A good organisation is pretty important. I had some boxes too for so many things like jewelery, sweets and so on =)

    1. Oh, that is wonderful! Everything just looks so much nicer when it is all organized!

  7. I don‘t know this programm but it sounds good. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


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