Tuesday, April 26, 2022

kylie skin + kylie cosmetics (mini haul)

Ever since Kylie Cosmetics and Kylie Skin officially launched in Canada, I have been putting the products to good use. The skincare items are included in my daily routine and the makeup products are used on a semi-regular basis. The reason? There is a lot to love about this brand. Not only am I a massive fan of the Kardashians/Jenners in general, but I love the millennial pink aesthetic and many of the products that I have tried. When it was time to repurchase some must-have skin care items from the line, it only made sense to add something extra. There was also a free gift thrown into the mix. Ready to take a closer look at this mini haul? Here are a few items from Kylie Skin and Kylie Cosmetics...

Wondering what was included in this Kylie Skin and Kylie Cosmetics mini haul? Here is everything ordered...

  • Kylie Skin - Foaming Face Wash
  • Kylie Skin - Face Moisturizer
  • Kylie Cosmetics - Mesh Makeup Bag
  • Kylie Cosmetics - Kylighter in 040 Princess Please

Kylie Skin: Foaming Face Wash and Face Moisturizer. In a previous post here on Mansa Fashion. there were some early impressions of Kylie Skin shared. There were a few products that I was certain would be repurchased...and now they have been. The Foaming Face Wash is my absolute favourite skincare product, because it is so easy to use, and makes my skin feel so much better after a long day and lots of makeup. There is still a bit left in my original bottle, but now my backup is here and ready for action. The packaging is slightly different than it was before. It is an all pink bottle now rather than a clear bottle with a pink lid. The other repurchased item is the face moisturizer. Since I have dry skin, there are many different moisturizers that I reach for, depending on the weather conditions and what I need on any given day. The Kylie Skin one is really wonderful. Unfortunately, it is a bit pricey and the tube is smaller than I would like. So, while it was repurchased this time, it may not be something that is consistently part of my skincare routine. For now? I will happily enjoy it.

Kylie Cosmetics: Mesh Makeup Bag. I love a freebie. What is it about gifts-with-purchase that just make the whole world seem sunnier? I have no idea, but the moral of the story is that free items make me smile far more than they should. There was a promotion on and this mesh makeup bag was thrown in when a certain amount of Kylie products were purchased. I have to say that this little mesh bag is downright adorable. It comes in the same millennial pink as the rest of the Kylie products, has the logo printed on the front, and has a pair of Kylie-inspired lips on the zipper pull. It is a really cute piece of Kylie merchandise to have. And practical as well! This is something that not only looks good, but will help me stay organized as well. 

Kylie Cosmetics: Kylighter in 040 Princess Please. Okay, did I need another highlight? No. Not at all. However, I was curious about how the Kylighter formula performed. Curiosity got the better of me and that is how Princess Please was added to the order. When it comes to the packaging, this is really sturdy and has a nice weight to it. It is aesthetically pleasing and feels like a high quality item. The mirror inside says "Kylie" on the bottom and her name is printed all over the product itself. Perfect for a Kylie fan like me. I almost did not want to use the highlighter because it just looked so pretty...but makeup is meant to be used and so this pearly-pink highlight has been added to many different makeup looks. It looks stunning and I adore the finish. One down side? It has an odd plastic kind of smell. You can't smell it once it has been applied, but it is fairly strong in the packaging. I did a quick Google search and found that I was not the only person who noticed this. Hopefully it is something the brand will address moving forward, because it makes me hesitant to add any other Kylighters to my collection in the meantime.

This Kylie Skin and Kylie Cosmetics haul was a little bit practical and a little bit impractical...and I am okay with that. Sometimes, you need a little balance, even when it comes to beauty and skin care items.

Are you a fan of either Kylie Skin or Kylie Cosmetics? Have you tried any of these products?


  1. I LOVE Kylie cosmetics, always so cute and works nicely. I am into her lip products for some reason the most. Lovely haul, I totally feel with getting it


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