Saturday, April 30, 2022

l'oreal air volume mega mascara (first impressions video + review)

I am no stranger to drugstore mascaras. Though I have tried many different mascaras over the all-time favourite comes from the drugstore. Expensive price points don't necessarily mean better products! Recently, I had the opportunity to test out a mascara from L'Oreal and was excited to put it to good use. The L'Oreal Air Volume Mega Mascara boasted a light and airy formula and dramatic results. What could be better than that? With warmer weather on the way, something that was ultra lightweight sounded ideal. Curious about how this affordable mascara performed? Keep reading for a first impressions review on my YouTube channel followed by a full review of the mascara. 

First thing is first...the first impressions review over on my YouTube channel. In this video, the L'Oreal Air Volume Mega Mascara was tested out, and to be honest, my initial impressions were mixed. Take a look at the review: 

Based on my first impressions, there were some pros and cons, but I was determined to give the mascara a fair shot and see how it performed after several weeks of use. Though there were some aspects of the product that I did not like, for the purposes of review, it became a part of my everyday makeup routine. At least for a little while.

When it comes to the pros, there are a few. I love the cute rose gold packaging, the wand shape, and the fact that this mascara is ultra black. It definitely adds a lot of length to the lashes and has a pleasant look overall. It also has an affordable price point. That being said, my initial concerns about the mascara remain. This largely has to do with the scent. The Air Volume Mega Mascara from L'Oreal has a very strong and floral scent. Not only does it smell absolutely awful during application, but the scent lingers. It just refuses to leave! In general, I am not anti-scented products, but it really depends on what it is. For example, a scented eyeshadow palette can be fun, but a scented mascara can be really irritating. Unfortunately, there were times when this mascara really bothered my eyes. Have you ever accidentally gotten a bit of scented mascara in your eye? The sting is unreal. For me, the Air Volume Mega Mascara delivered in some ways, but fell flat in others. I will not be finishing off the tube of mascara or purchasing another. It just has too many cons to consider.

Rating: 1.5 / 5

Have you tried the L'Oreal Air Volume Mega Mascara? What did you think of it?


  1. Thanks for your review:)The comment you wrote fell into spam, I deleted it by mistake, recently the comments are falling into spam for some reason, unfortunately

    1. Oh! I don't know why that would be. Thank you for letting me know!

  2. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm super curious about all the hype there is. Ahah

    1. If you try it, I hope that you have a positive experience with the mascara!

  3. Ohhh it's curious to try it but the scent part is a big con for me too.. Thanks for the review!

    1. Absolutely! I don't mind some scented products at all, but mascara is a no for me!

  4. Thanks =) Oh yes those NYX products are really beautiful, I love pink on my lips <3 =)
    Thanks it's really nice to have many pillows on your couch <3 :D

    Great review =) I like L'Oréal a lot and this Air Volume Mascara sounds so nice, I would try it.

    1. Hopefully you're able to try it for yourself some time soon :)

  5. I've never tired L'oreal mascara before but it's so frustrating this is irritating with the extra fragrance! I have sensitive eyes so I know this is definitely not for me - thank you for sharing your review!

    Hope that you had a good weekend :) It's a nice relaxing long weekend here.

    Away From The Blue

    1. You are so welcome! I do as well, so mascara and fragrance are not a great combination for me!

  6. Great review. I haven't tried this mascara. I don't know if I'll try. It has too many flaws that I might not like. For me, the most important thing in the mascara is the brush to make it paint the eye well :)
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Very true! The brush can make such a big difference!

  7. Why would anyone put scent on a mascara? As much as I love fragrance in most products, this would never cross my mind...
    have a great week!

    1. Honestly! It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

  8. I usually like the brand as well!


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