Saturday, April 2, 2022

#OOTD: cowgirl inspired outfit and accessories

There is something about cowgirl inspired fashion that I love. Ever since visiting the store, Kicking Cowgirl Designs, last obsession with the country music style has grown. Of course, I do listen to some country music, though pop music is admittedly my favourite. But icons like Reba McEntire will always inspire me. Her albums take me to a place that few manage to! So, when it came time to pull together a country inspired outfit, there simply needed to be a Reba shirt thrown into the mix. Ready for a breakdown of this recent cowgirl inspired #OOTD? Here goes....

To create this #OOTD, many new and old favourites were used. The shirt was an old-school Reba McEntire t-shirt that was given to me for my birthday last year. Though it is new, it has a vintage look, and features a classic picture of Reba. That shirt was paired with some navy skinny jeans. For the shoes, it was a pair of black Fergalicious boots that have served me well for the last several years. (There are several pairs of ankle boots and cowboy boots in my closet, but these are the easiest to wear and the most comfortable. I absolutely love them!) Then to finish off the look, there were some fabulous accessories from Kicking Cowgirl Designs added on. These were purchased last summer during the initial visit, but were tucked away and gifted to me at a later time. It was nice to finally put them to good use with this cowgirl inspired ensemble. 

The first accessory was a gorgeous beaded belt. It has silver studs on either side and then gorgeous beadwork through the center. The turquoise beads and the beautiful pattern are absolutely stunning and make this belt a truly unique accessory in my closet. The belt also has a bold silver buckle, which just screams classic country. As for the earrings? These were a bit on the expensive side, but I immediately fell in love with them. Lucky for me, my mom decided to purchase the earrings and tuck them away for another occasion. These are quite large (much larger than the accessories that I normally wear) and are made of tin. They are colourful and even have stripes of animal print throughout. Not to mention sparkly rhinestones around the edges! It is as if this pair of earrings put all the things that I like into one piece. They are stunning and perfectly pulled together this cowgirl inspired look. It was a lot of fun to put together these pieces to create something country themed.

What do you think of this #OOTD? Are you a fan of cowgirl inspired pieces?


  1. Nice details:) thanks for your sharing...

  2. What fun pieces! This would make a really cute outfit although I confess I haven't heard of Reba before!

    Hope you're having a good weekend. It's a nice relaxing one here.

    Away From The Blue

    1. Oh, wow...really? Well, hopefully you are able to hear her music at some point! It is excellent! Thank you <3

  3. Very nice outfit, the accessories are really cute!
    kisses :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  4. Love the belt, it looks unique! :)

    Have a nice day/night. 💗

    🌸 Kiara Era BLOG 🌸

    Kiara Era

    1. It is definitely really different to anything else that I have! Thank you!

  5. I love this song so much =) You're welcome <3

    Great post with a nice cowgirl inspired look, I like the earrings <3

    1. Thank you! Yes, the earrings are so much fun to wear :D


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