Wednesday, April 6, 2022

review + makeup look: huda beauty amethyst obsessions

Though there are far too many eyeshadows in my makeup is always wonderful to test and try out new ones. Over the holidays, my loved ones gifted me lots and lots of beauty products, and I continue to put them to good use. (And review them here on Mansa Fashion.) The latest? Amethyst Obsessions from Huda Beauty. When it comes to Huda Beauty, my experiences with the brand have been somewhat mixed. For instance, the Warm Brown Obsessions palette was an absolute super star, but then the Mercury Retrograde was kind of lackluster and inconsistent, despite stellar reviews from beauty gurus and makeup lovers alike. All in all, the brand has been pretty impressive, and has a lot of really beautiful colour stories to choose from. Curious about whether the Amethyst Obsessions palette was a winner or if it fell flat? Here is everything you need to know about this colourful release from Huda Beauty. 

Talk about stunning! There is something fabulous about purple eyeshadows...and an entire palette overloaded with different shades of purple is just everything. Though my everyday eyeshadow looks tend to veer on the warm neutral side, purple is a great in-between. It really bridges the gap between ultra colourful and ultra neutral. In terms of the Amethyst Obsessions eyeshadow palette, there are three matte shades and six duo-chrome shades. Though there are nine shadows in all, the palette itself is quite small and compact. This is an ideal choice if you want a little colour on-the-go or are looking for small space appropriate beauty products. Ready to take a closer look at the eyeshadow shades? Take a look at these swatches...

Honestly, this eyeshadow palette has an awful lot going for it. There are some truly beautiful and unique colours and finishes here. For instance, the second shade in the palette (there are very sadly no eyeshadow shade names, which is a bit of a letdown for a higher end item) has such an incredible texture and a ton of colour payoff. I am obsessed! The shimmer shades in general are really impressive, though the last shade requires a lot of building up in order to reach full intensity. The matte shades are pretty and add a nice amount of balance to the palette. I especially enjoy that softer pink-purple shade for the crease. The fact that there are different finishes, a nice selection of colours, and some really standout shades is wonderful. I only wish there were shade names to really tie in the amethyst theme and that the last shimmer shade was a little bit bolder. 

The look above made use of several different shades. The pink-purple created the crease, then the second shadow was applied all over the lid, with a little bit of the fifth shade in the inner corner, and the darkest matte shade to deepen the outer corner. It did not take much to create a really beautiful look with this Huda Beauty palette. Those duo-chrome finishes really stand out. 

This mini palette really packs a punch. Though it is small in size, it is mighty in colour! There are so many beautiful shades of purple...and if you are someone that loves incorporating purple shades (or lots of shimmer) into your makeup looks, this might be something to consider. Out of all the Huda Beauty eyeshadow palettes that I have tried, this one certainly is one of the best. There is something about the "Obsessions" line of products from Huda Beauty that just seems to wow. 

Have you tried the Amethyst Obsessions eyeshadow palette? What did you think of it?


  1. Thanks a lot =) Yes this is really nice and I love birthdays <3 :D

    Great review, this Huda Beauty palette looks so beautiful. Amazing pink and purple colours, love it <3 And also love your make up look with it =)

  2. the swatches are stunning! you've just reminded me to use my palette again

    1. Oh, excellent! I am sure whatever you create, it will be beautiful!

  3. So many lovely shades and you are so beautiful. 😍

  4. That palette has very nice shades. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a good week-end!

    1. For sure! So many pretty colours! Thank you so much. I hope you have a great weekend as well <3

  5. Beautyful make up


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