Sunday, April 24, 2022

testing out a dollar store highlight (la colors glow time)

There is nothing so thrilling as a trip to Sephora. When that black and white striped bag is overloaded with goodies....well, it is an undeniably exciting experience. Despite this, affordable makeup is always my preference. I love drugstore items and even dollar store items every now and again! There is something so wonderful about beauty products that are both affordable and accessible. I believe everyone should be able to find items that suit their preferences and budget. Which is why the L.A. Colors Highlight seemed worth testing and trying for Mansa Fashion. It cost a mere $1.25 CDN at the dollar store. 

There were several different highlights to choose from at the dollar store. The one that came home with me was the L.A. Colors Highlight in the shade Glow Time. When it comes to the packaging, there is nothing special to comment on. It comes in simple black packaging with a clear cover. It feels quite flimsy and lightweight, but for $1.25, that is to be expected. As for the product itself, there is a massive pan of highlight to use. This is not something that will run out any time soon. Plus, the larger size makes it really easy to dip a fluffy highlight brush into the pan. The highlight is certainly user friendly.

As for how the Glow Time highlight actually performs? In a This is an absolutely gorgeous highlight and is comparable (if not better) to higher end options. It has an intense amount of shine and makes the skin look so effortlessly glowy. The product can be used sparingly for something a little more natural or worn a little more intensely for a highlighted look that cannot be ignored. I have worn it both ways, to be honest. It all depends on what type of mood I am in! This L.A. Colors highlight is certainly proof that excellent products can be found for a fraction of the price. 

Yes, this is one impressive highlight. I would have been very happy to pay more than $1.25 based on the quality alone...but the low price point certainly makes me smile. If you are looking for something affordable but still downright dazzling, keep your eyes peeled for the L.A. Colors Highlight in the shade Glow Time. It is well worth adding to your makeup collection. 

Have you tried any products from L.A. Colours? What do you think of this highlight?


  1. I didn't try anything from the brand. This highlighter is great!

    1. It is! I was so surprised by how well it performed <3

  2. Thanks a lot =) It was really nice to walk with a friend through the city and eating icecream <3 And it was also nice to have brunch with my mother =) Thanks, this is really annoying and frustrating, you're right.
    Thanks =) It's really nice to have good products like this soap, perfect for washing your hands with much fun :D

    Great review, this highlighter looks really interesting. I love the glow on your skin, looks so fresh =) I didn't try any products from L. A. Colours, we don't have them in German drug stores but I would try it :D

    1. Thank you! It definitely has a really pretty glow. I hope you're able to find something similar for a good price :D

  3. Oh wow! I've seen this a lot at Dollarama but haven't really tried any of the products. I will keep an eye on this one for sure! That's so awesome to hear it's great:) Thanks for the heads up, Shannon.
    Have a great week ahead:)

    1. Yes, it was shockingly wonderful! I hope you have a great week as well <3

  4. I can see that it is an excellent product and then it does not cost much. It's always nice to come back to your blog!

    1. Aww thank you! I really appreciate that. And yes, it is so wonderful to find affordable products that work well.


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