Thursday, May 26, 2022

the five most important things to do before the end of spring.

There is still time to savor spring and all of the beauty that comes with it. The last day of the season is just under a month away...which means right now is the perfect time to focus on all the seasonal offerings connected to this time of year. Are there a few tasks you've been putting off lately? Maybe a bit of spring cleaning or taking care of your garden? Are you feeling a little unsure about your wardrobe as you prepare to transition from one season to another? Let me be your guide! Yes, it is time to take a look at five of the most important things to do before the end of the spring season. 

Get All of Your Spring Clean Crossed Off The List. Typically, the summer season is more focused on making memories, seeing friends, and having fun. The spring season, on the other hand, is dedicated to important tasks, like decluttering, organizing, and tidying where needed. It manages to refresh your space an undeniably satisfying way. Are you a little behind on your spring cleaning? Have you tackled some tasks but not all of them? This is your reminder to focus on the rest of that spring cleaning list. The last day of spring is June 21, mark it down in your calendar. That is your deadline! Though there are an awful lot of cleaning and organizing tasks that I have done since the start of the season, there are still some outstanding ones, so my intention is to have them all complete before the spring season turns to summer.

Focus on Your Green Thumb and Start Planting. Nothing says spring quite like something in bloom. This time of year is all about nature, plants, gardens, and connecting to the earth. Maybe you haven't had a chance to do that just yet or there is still more that you would like to do. This is your opportunity to focus on that green thumb of yours. There are so many ways to go about it. Need a few examples? Weed the garden in either the front, back, or side yard. Visit a nursery and pick up a new plant or two to add to your existing garden. Purchase flowers for your balcony. Bring home a bouquet of fresh flowers to liven up your space. Whether you grow something from a seed or bring home something already in bloom, your home will feel fabulous. 

Transition Your Wardrobe and Clear Out Old Clothes. This is the perfect excuse to devote some time to your closets. Move all of the bulky, oversized sweaters to the back, and pull tank tops and lighter pieces to the front. Try on all of your shorts from last year and donate any that no longer fit. Taking a bit of time to try things on, make donations, and determine what you will wear for the remainder of spring and for the summer season means that whether you are hanging out at home or are planning to hang out with friends somewhere will have everything you need within arms reach.

Go For a Walk and Enjoy the Milder Temperatures. Before too long, the summer weather will arrive, which means high temperatures and lots of sunshine. Why not make the most of the spring weather while you still can? There are many benefits associated with regular walks, like improved cardiovascular fitness and higher energy levels. Plus, you can soak up all of the Vitamin D that you need! Get social during your walk by inviting a friend to tag along with you or head out alone and take some beautiful nature photos. Walking is good for the body and mind, so add it to your to-do list. 

Do Something Fun and Enjoy a Seasonal Activity. Certain activities are associated with specific times of year. Though many of these can still be done in the summer...they are typically thought to be spring activities. For instance, heading out to see a local baseball game, having a picnic in the park before the weather becomes too hot, visiting a nearby garden, having a mini staycation, or heading to a Farmer's Market on a Sunday morning. Head outside, do something fun, enjoy the weather, and make some special memories with the people that you love most. That is what the season is all about. There is so much to love about this time of year. Do what you can to enjoy every single moment that remains this spring. 

How will you celebrate the final weeks of spring? Do you have anything fun planned?


  1. What a nice post:) thanks for your sharing...

  2. Great post, thanks for the tips!

    1. Thank you! You are so welcome. I hope you have a great weekend <3

  3. Great post! As I had a major move I couldn't do the cleaning, sorting and rearranging part as a fun part (my relocation was a bit rushed) but I had a huge share of seasonal activities in form of flower watching. It was such a blast. Now I can't wait for hot summer to come (we have a rain season now, I am wearing a jacket often)

    1. Understandable! When you have a lot going on, it is difficult to do those seasonal kind of tasks. But I'm glad you were able to enjoy activities like flower watching. How fun! <3


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