Friday, June 17, 2022

new in: richard simmons merchandise

My life certainly changed during the pandemic. I went from walking to work each day to working from home. Oh, and I also stress-ate everything in sight for far too many months in 2020. Despite working out regularly, it wasn't offsetting all of the snacking. Before I knew it, my weight had skyrocketed. Clearly, I needed to find some balance and be a little (or a lot) more mindful about my habits. For the last year or so, I have slowly but surely been dropping all of those extra pandemic pounds. There are many things that have helped me during this process, including Richard Simmons. His YouTube channel started posting clips of old workout videos and that inspired me to purchase the Sweatin' To the Oldies series on DVD. From there, I started adding various workout videos, books, and other Richard Simmons merchandise into my life. More recently? I decided to treat myself to a few items from his online store. Though this blog is largely about makeup, fashion, and is all about Richard Simmons. Check out some of the merchandise that I have been enjoying lately. 

Richard Simmons Book: Still Hungry - After All These Years. This is actually my second Richard Simmons book. Not too long ago, my husband and I went to a thrift store to look for a cable that would work with an older electronic. (We found it!) While there, I quickly perused the book section and was shocked and thrilled to find the book, Never Give Up: Inspirations, Reflections, Stories of Hope. It was wonderful and made me want to read some of his other work. When looking at the Richard Simmons online store, there was one book available, which was Richard's own story. Of course, I added it to my cart. I haven't read it yet, because life has been crazy busy lately, but I cannot wait. I am so excited to learn more about the man behind the sparkly tank tops and dolphin shorts. His work has helped so many and I am really curious about his story. 

Richard Simmons Food Mover. Did I need this? Okay, no, not exactly. I track my calories and my food on an app currently. That being said, I added the Food Mover to my online shopping cart anyway, because it can play different motivational sayings from Richard (I love a good motivational saying) and it was also intended to be paired with something else I purchased. So, while this is not something that I am actively using right now as a way to track my food and exercise, it is something that I do plan to try in future. Until then, I will just enjoy having that extra dose of inspiration nearby. 

Richard Simmons Cartoon Key Chain. There was a lot on the website to choose from, including lots of little odds and ends. I tried to be very thoughtful about what I chose to purchase, but I just could not pass up this adorable keychain. It only cost $3 and it is so cute! I love the little cartoon Richard Simmons. I am using this to hold my keys from now on, so that every single time I reach for them, I am reminded of my goals. Hopefully this inspiration will keep moving me forward. 

Richard Simmons Party Off The Pounds Workout DVD. Out of all the Richard Simmons workouts I have tried...this is my favourite. Even more than Sweatin' to the Oldies 3. Even more then Dance Your Pants Off. Hard to believe! I actually saw a few clips of this DVD on the Richard Simmons YouTube channel and was immediately intrigued. A workout DVD set in a mall? As someone who loves shopping, this seemed like the perfect fit. Since receiving my order, I have done this workout video multiple times and wow! It is fun right off the bat. All of the songs are super energetic and upbeat, you really work up a sweat, and it is certainly a challenge. I think because of the fun setting, all of the bright colours, the iconic 80s music, and the easy-to-follow dance moves, the workout is enjoyable, even though it is tough. I absolutely love the Party Off The Pounds DVD. There is no doubt about it: this is my new go-to workout video whenever I am feeling down or need a little pick me up. 

Richard Simmons Project HOPE Workout DVDs. As far as I can tell, this is the last Richard Simmons workout DVD that was released. It came out in 2013 and there is a lot involved. Project HOPE includes 9 workouts on 3 DVDs and it is structured like more contemporary workout videos. There is a section for aerobics, a section for strength, and then a bonus workout. There are three DVDs in total, with one for each month. This essentially allows you to level up and increase the difficulty as you become stronger. I've done the Month 1: Commit DVD and it was not super difficult for me. It was fun and I enjoyed it, but that would be more of a workout I would do on a day where I was quite sore. I look forward to moving on and trying the other workouts. As for the bonus workouts, the first was balance, which was something I definitely needed. The next month has abs and the month after that has a section for endurance. Something great about this set? There is also a Food Mover Nutrition Guide (hence the reason that I added the Food Mover to my cart) and then there is also a Success Guide with room to track goals and stay inspired. All in all, a good set that I look forward to diving into more. 

I am certainly enjoying all of these Richard Simmons items. Though it was a bit of a splurge, these items have brought me a lot of joy lately. All I can hope is that they continue to motivate me to exercise regularly, eat well, and keep a positive attitude. 

Are you a fan of Richard Simmons? What workout gurus do you like to watch?


  1. Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely day! ♡

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram


    1. Thank you! I hope your day is wonderful as well :)

  2. I have no idea who he is. I don't think his fame has reached Scotland!

    1. Wow, really? He was really famous in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and beyond!

  3. Thanks for your sharing:) greetings from Turkey...

    1. Thank you so much for visiting! I really appreciate it!

  4. It was a really nice summer day =) Love bank holidays <3 :D

    Interesting merchandise. I don't know him but he sounds pretty funny ^^


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