Sunday, July 24, 2022

disney beauty week: introduction and future plans.

It is time for another theme week here on Mansa Fashion. This time? It is all about Disney themed beauty products. This is partly because there are a lot of Disney items in my collection, but also because Disney has been on my mind a lot lately. I am absolutely a Disney person and grew up in a Disney household. The movies, the television shows, and the merchandise have always been part of my life. When I was little, I used to pretend that I was Ariel and sing along to my cassette tapes over and over again. I would hold my plastic mirror and pretend to be Belle. I would dream about visiting Disney World. Since then, Disney has continued to be an important part of my life. From family vacations to a Cinderella themed wedding, movie nights, shopping trips, and well, everything in between...Disney is always thrown into the mix in some way or another. That is why this week will be dedicated to some new and old Disney-related favourites. 

This week, there will be posts reviewing some Minnie Mouse Sheet Eye Masks by Mad Beauty and there will be a peek at some Disney beauty products I've been enjoying. This week, I will also be highlighting the Mickey & Friends Truth Be Bold Eyeshadow Palette from Morphe and there will even a Belle inspired makeup look. I hope it will be a lot of fun and will maybe inspire someone to embrace their inner Disney character! So, stay tuned for all of those themed posts this week.

Another reason that Disney is on my mind lately is because my family has decided to book a vacation to Disneyland in the fall. This is kind of scary (I've been pretty open about my travel anxiety here over the last little while) and also exciting. I have missed the Disney parks a lot over the last few years. Mostly because I was supposed to attend my friend's wedding in Walt Disney World. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and my fears about travel...I was unable to attend. It makes me sad to this day. But a Disneyland trip seems to be something that will be happening this fall, assuming that the spread of the virus does not continue to grow. There are so many variables that it is hard to be certain about anything these days! Honestly, the idea of being in another country? Flying? Crowds of people? It is really difficult for me to wrap my head around. I am trying to be open to the idea because it means so much to my family. Though I am not ready to travel to the US, I hope that by the fall, I will somehow feel okay about it. Here is hoping. At any rate, this week, I am going to focus on all things Disney.

Are you a fan of Disney? Have you ever tried any Disney themed beauty products?


  1. I like Disney and my 3 year old loves Mickey haha! I have only ever been to the Paris Disneyland and we are hoping to take my daughter next year!

    1. Oh, how fun! I've been there once and it was a blast! I hope you will have an amazing time :D

  2. Really exciting =) We had a wonderful time with much sightseeing. It was a little bit sad that the weather on saturday went so bad when we were on a boat :D
    Oh yes I love testing out products =) Thanks I had much fun on my Stockholm trip =)

    Great post =) I love Disney a lot <3 The beauty products look pretty cute and I would try them too.

  3. Sounds exciting! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your trip to Disneyland may go ahead. Hearing you on the crowds and flying, though! xxx

  4. As you, I grown up with the Disney princesses, and I've always loved the whole Disney world!
    I went many times to Disneyland Paris and everytime was magic, really hope you can experience this too! :D

    1. Oh, how fabulous! Disneyland Paris is a magical place!

  5. sounds so lovely!
    Have a great week,

  6. I hope so that you will manage and go at trip at Disneyland this fall and I didn't know that it is possible have wedding there. It must be amazing experience.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I imagine it would be. I'm so sad I wasn't able to see it all in person.

  7. Yay for Disney theme:) I'm a huge Disney fan and like you, would sing to the songs over and over. My fave was A Whole New World:D And TBH, I never got the whole love for Disneyworld/Disneyland until my family and I went to Disneyworld in 2017. TO this day, that is still our fave vacation ever.
    I hope that by fall, our airport situation and the whole Covid thing will be better, and that you can go to the trip!

    1. I love this! Oh my gosh, "A Whole New World" is a classic. I hope so. It's hard to say at the moment, because things seem to change so quickly. Fingers crossed!

  8. I am so into Disney beauty products, looks super cute and more appealing! Anyway, this post makes me want to visit Disneyland though <3


  9. I love Disney and I would like to visit Disneyland Paris one day.
    Have a good week!


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